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Healthy Soil to Combat Climate Change in Southeast Asia - GCP/RAS/300/JPN

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    Soils help to combat and adapt to climate change by playing a key role in the carbon cycle 2015
    Healthy soils provide the largest store of terrestrial carbon. When managed sustainably, soils can play an important role in climate change mitigation by storing carbon (carbon sequestration) and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. Conversely, if soils are managed poorly or cultivated through unsustainable agricultural practices, soil carbon can be released into the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2), which can contribute to climate change. The steady conversion of grassland and forestland to cropland and grazing lands over the past several centuries has resulted in historic losses of soil carbon worldwide. However, by restoring degraded soils and adopting soil conservation practices, there is major potential to decrease the emission of greenhouse gases from agriculture, enhance carbon sequestration and build resilience to climate change.
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    Climate Action for Agriculture: Strengthening the Engagement of Agriculture Sectors to Implement the Climate Change Elements of the 2030 Agenda in Asia and the Pacific 2018
    Climate change poses a systemic risk to the achievement of food security in Asia and the Pacific. In acknowledgement of this risk, member countries in the region have highlighted the agriculture and land sectors as key priorities for action under the Paris Agreement (SDG 13) and the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction. Strategic engagement by Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery Ministries in these international frameworks will enhance the capacity to finance and scale up measures to strengthen the climate resilience of food and agriculture systems. This paper provides a review of current knowledge on climate change risks to food security in the region and the opportunities and challenges for the agriculture and land sectors to play a more ambitious role in implementing the Paris Agreement and Sendai Framework. It discusses the potential benefits of strong, sector-based action in support of achievement of the SDG targets related to food security, as well as the potential contributions from strategic partnerships involving the private sector, civil society, South-South and triangular cooperation and development partners. The paper cites novel adaptation strategies, such as geographic indications - GI and Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems - GIAHS, that can help farmers increase resilience and provide a buffer against extreme climate events. Member countries are invited to provide guidance on how FAO can best support their efforts to address the needs and priorities of the agriculture sectors under the climate change-related elements of the 2030 Agenda and how FAO, through its Global Strategy and Regional Initiative on Climate Change, can best support member countries to plan and implement sector-specific action to address climate change risks to food security.

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