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ProjectRenforcement des capacités des institutions gouvernementales en matière d’innovation technologique, de numérisation, de suivi et d’évaluation des politiques publiques - TCP/RLA/3811 2024Le projet venait démontrer de façon pratique le potentiel des innovations numériques dans la lutte contre la pauvreté et la faim en milieu rural. Les gouvernements des pays de la région Amérique latine et Caraïbes ont adopté des solutions numériques qui apportent une contribution directe à la concrétisation des ODD 1 et 2, telles que la réalisation du référentiel des innovations numériques qui a permis de recenser des solutions susceptibles d’être reproduites, y compris à plus grande échelle, et pouvant avoir un réel impact en termes de réduction de la pauvreté et de la faim dans la région.
Book (series)Digital technologies for agriculture in Türkiye
A review
2025Also available in:
No results found.Advances in digital technologies are transforming every sector of the economy including agriculture and food systems. Digital technologies offer great potential to enhance resilience, efficiency and greening of agrifood systems, from production, processing, logistics, retail and trade to support services and finance. This study reviews the current state of digital technologies in agriculture in Türkiye. Following a brief review of key trends and challenges in the agriculture sector, the study describes the ecosystem for digital transformation and the current technology supplier landscape. It then identifies key digital technologies in agriculture and their most prominent use cases, main user groups and adoption levels, as well as practical challenges facing users and the potential for expansion in the short to medium term. The report targets a broad audience ranging from policymakers to investors, farmers and their organizations, agribusiness companies, and other practitioners in the sector. This publication is part of the Country Investment Highlights series under the FAO Investment Centre's Knowledge for Investment (K4I) programme. -
ProjectStrengthening Capacities for effective Agricultural Innovation Systems in the Tropics - GCP/GLO/626/EC 2020
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No results found.Innovation plays a key role in spurring the transformation of the agriculture sector to meet and enhance food security and nutrition, resilience and livelihoods of millions of family farmers. However, in low-income and lower-middle income countries, the capacities to harness the potential of innovation are very limited, owing to, among other things, poor and underperforming agricultural innovation systems (AIS)1 . AIS approaches represent a paradigm shift from linear and top-down model of technology transfer towards a system approach to agricultural innovation. Capacity-development (CD) interventions for strengthening AIS are seldom top-down, implemented in isolation, too small in scale and narrow in scope, focus solely on individual capacities, and neglect institutional, organizational and enabling environment dimensions. Against this background, Agrinatura and FAO partnered with funding from EU to strengthen capacities in Angola, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Rwanda through this project. The expected outcome was “agricultural innovation systems are efficient and sustainable in meeting demands of farmers, agribusiness and consumers”. Its specific objective was to establish “a global partnership on capacity development in agricultural innovation systems on a sustainable footing, with needs assessed and approaches validated in eight pilot countries”.
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