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Improving food security in Myanmar - TCP/MYA/3502

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    Integrated Home and School Gardens for Food Security in Myanmar - TCP/MYA/3505 2019
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    Myanmar is undergoing a trend of urbanization, bringing new opportunities and challenges, and changing the underlying causes of malnutrition in urban and peri-urban areas. The current project was designed to explore innovative opportunities to reduce food insecurity and malnutrition in Dala and Hlegu Townships, two rapidly changing peri-urban areas in Yangon. The project aimed at improving the diversity and use of nutrient-rich safe foods through a combination of agriculture and nutrition training and the establishment of hydroponic home and school gardens. Target groups included third and fourth grade schoolchildren in five identified schools, teachers/principals, and women from households with school children as well as from households receiving hydroponic gardens.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Myanmar: Improving food security and nutrition with cash assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic
    Strengthening household resilience to socioeconomic and climate shocks in Rakhine State
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    Rakhine State in Myanmar has experienced armed conflict, localized violence, political instability and extremely high levels of forced displacement, together with heightened vulnerability to flooding. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the local population faced further and compounding disruptions to livelihoods, transportation, value chains, critical services and banking systems, as well as to the functioning of local government institutions and administrations. In this complex situation, between October 2018 and October 2021, FAO assisted over 7 500 vulnerable households with the delivery of cash assistance complemented by the distribution of agricultural inputs, information materials, hygiene kits, agricultural training and aquaculture production support. The cash transfer amount was aligned to the social protection programme “Maternal cash assistance for pregnant and lactating women”. The intervention was part of the broader initiative of the Global Network Against Food Crises Partnership Programme, which aimed to increase the resilience of households to socioeconomic shocks and disasters, by focusing on reducing vulnerability to conflict and malnutrition, and bolstering low agricultural productivity. A country-level monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) plan was developed in order to track changes in resilience and food security indicators resulting from country investments. This social protection and resilience COVID-19 good practice aims at presenting answers to the learning questions identified, with particular regard to what is the actual contribution of the project interventions to resilience and the value added of channelling these through, or in alignment to, the national social protection system.
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    Improvement of Tilapia Seed Production and Grow-Out Culture Management in Myanmar - TCP/MYA/3606 2020
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    The project contributes to the National Medium-termPriority Framework Priority Outcome 1: Increasingproduction to ensure food security, particularly theoutputs: vii) To ensure food security by increasing fishproduction through providing essential support services,development of rural infrastructure, intensive peri-urbanfood production system; and x) To develop freshwateraquaculture by taking genetic management andimprovement of broodstock of farmed rohu throughutilization of good quality broodstock, selection for betterfood conversion ratio.

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