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Aquaculture development. 9. Development of aquatic genetic resources: A framework of essential criteria

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Global Plan of Action for the Conservation, Sustainable Use and Development of Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture 2022
    This Global Plan of Action for the Conservation, Sustainable Use and Development of Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (GPA) was developed by FAO at the request of the members of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in response to the needs and challenges identified in the first global assessment of the status of Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (AqGR). It was developed following broad consultation with the regions and, following endorsement by the Commission, was formally adopted by FAO members at the 168th session of the FAO Council. The GPA is voluntary and non-binding and aims to promote effective management of AqGR ensuring that it makes a significant contribution to food security and sustainable development and to the alleviation of poverty and is targeted at all stakeholders in aquaculture, with a focus on resource managers and policy makers. The GPA has two parts, the first part introduces and sets the context for the importance of AqGR to sustainable aquaculture and future food security. The second part identifies strategic priorities and recommends actions under four priority areas: i) characterization, inventory and monitoring; ii) conservation and sustainable use; iii) development of AqGR for aquaculture; and iv) policies, institutions, capacity building and cooperation.
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    Book (series)
    The State of the World's Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture 2019
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    The conservation, sustainable use and development of aquatic genetic resources (AqGR) is critical to the future supply of fish. The State of the World’s Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture is the first ever global assessment of these resources, with the scope of this first Report being limited to cultured AqGR and their wild relatives, within national jurisdiction. The Report draws on 92 reports from FAO member countries and five specially commissioned thematic background studies. The reporting countries are responsible for 96 percent of global aquaculture production. The Report sets the context with a review of the state of world’s aquaculture and fisheries and includes overviews of the uses and exchanges of AqGR, the drivers and trends impacting AqGR and the extent of ex situ and in situ conservation efforts. The Report also investigates the roles of stakeholders in AqGR and the levels of activity in research, education, training and extension, and reviews national policies and the levels of regional and international cooperation on AqGR. Finally, needs and challenges are assessed in the context of the findings from the data collected from the countries. The Report represents a snapshot of the present status of AqGR and forms a valuable technical reference document, particularly where it presents standardized key terminology and concepts.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the Regional Workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean and for North America on the Development of a Registry of Farmed Types of Aquatic Genetic Resources (Incorporating a review of strategic priorities for a Global Plan of Action)
    Virtual Workshop, 21−24 September 2020
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    This report summarizes the proceedings and outcomes of the “Regional Workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean and for North America on the Development of a Global Information System for Farmed Types of Aquatic Genetic Resources (incorporating a review of strategic priorities for a Global Plan of Action)” held from 21 to 24 September 2020 (with a final wrap-up session held on 1 October 2020). The workshop was attended by National Focal Points for Aquatic Genetic Resources from Latin America and the Caribbean and for North America, officials from ministries and other governmental organizations, and also by representatives of three regional aquaculture organizations. The objectives of the workshop were to promote standardized use of nomenclature and terminology in the description and categorization of AqGR, especially below the level of species (i.e. farmed types), to identify priority regional stakeholders who would benefit from an information system, such as the Registry, to evaluate the key elements of the prototype Registry using regionally relevant species and their farmed type and, for each of the four Priority Areas of the GPA, to review the strategic priorities and propose concrete activities under each. Participants identified government resource managers, academia and researchers, policy-makers, and intergovernmental organizations as the principal stakeholders and beneficiaries of the Registry. These same stakeholders would also be the main contributors of information to the system. Aquaculture producers were also identified as major contributors of information. It was thus noted that special consideration needs to be given to engaging private industry and demonstrating the value of the information system to the private sector. Participants made recommendations on the information sought for the Registry and, in particular, expressed concern over Members’ capacity to record information on production of farmed types of aquatic genetic resources.

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