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Analiza sektora ribarstva i akvakulture u Bosni i Hercegovini

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    Analiza sektora šumarstva u Bosni i Hercegovini 2015
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    Ova analiza je jedna od sedam sektorskih analiza (meso i mliječni proizvodi; voće i povrće; žitarice; vino; diversifikacija, ribarstvo i akvakultura, šumarstvo) koje su od proljeća 2011. godine do danas izrađene za institucije u oblasti poljoprivrede na nivou države, entiteta i Distrikta Brčko. Sektorske analize daju ulazne veličine za koncept mjera koje će finansirati Evropska unija (EU) iz instrumenta za pretpristupnu pomoć za ruralni razvoj (IPARD) – kada bude dostupan – kao i koncept interve ncija zemlje u oblasti politike uopšte.
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    Draft national aquatic animal health strategy for Bosnia and Herzegovina / / Nacrt nacionalne strategije za zdravlje akvatiènih životinja u Bosni i Hercegovini 2009
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    As an output of FAO Project TCP/BIH/3101 “Strengthening aquaculture health management in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, the National Aquatic Animal Health Strategy (NAAHS) was developed jointly by representatives of the government and private sectors to assist in formulating policy and planning towards improving national aquatic animal health status, achieving international recognition of the high quality of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s aquaculture products and assisting their entrance onto inte rnational markets. The draft strategy expresses a Statement of purpose; Vision; Guiding principles; and... implementation; and outlines nine major programmes of activity: (1) Policy, legislation and institutional framework; (2) Risk analysis and quarantine; (3) Diagnostics and health certification; (4) Surveillance, monitoring and reporting; (5) Emergency preparedness; (6) Capacity building; (7) Research and development; (8) Communication and international collaboration; and (9) Reso urces and funding. Within each major programme are presented its objectives, current status, and a number of projects that are to be accomplished during the initial phase of implementation. The NAAHS will be further developed by the State Veterinary Organization for funding and implementation.
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    Veterinary inspector’s checklist for aquaculture farms and fish processing establishments in Bosnia and Herzegovina / Cek lista za veterinarske inspektore na farmama akvakulture i objektima za preradu riba u Bosni i Hercegovini 2009
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    This document, Veterinary inspector’s checklist for aquaculture farms and fish processing establishments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, developed as one of the outputs of FAO Technical Cooperation Project TCP/BIH/3101 “Strengthening Aquaculture Health Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, presents a checklist of information that will provide guidance to veterinary inspectors of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) in conducting veterinary inspection of aquaculture farms and fish processing esta blishments in the country. The Veterinary inspector’s checklist may be applied to several types of aquaculture farms and fish processing establishments, i.e. fish hatcheries, cage-culture facilities, concrete ponds, earthen ponds, fish transporting systems and fish processing facilities. The checklist includes information on aspects of inspections, parameters to be analysed/tested or activities to be performed, samples to be collected and frequency of inspection. The legal reference to which the inspection procedure needs to be carried out is also indicated. These legal decisions ensure that appropriate sanitary practices (for fish, water, feed, facilities, etc.) and monitoring of veterinary health of fish and safety and quality of fishery products are in place. This veterinary checklist will assist in the implementation of the National Aquatic Animal Health Strategy (NAAHS) for BIH and help to protect and improve the country’s national aquatic animal health sta tus, enhance the nation’s ability to meet international aquatic animal health and food safety standards and obligations, promote sustainable aquaculture and facilitate access to international markets for aquaculture and fishery products.

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