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Report and documentation of the International Workshop on the Implementation of International Fisheries Instruments and Factors of Unsustainability and Overexploitation in Fisheries. Mauritius, 3-7 February 2003.

Swan, J.; Gréboval, D. (comps.)Report and documentation of the International Workshop on the Implementation of International Fisheries Instruments and Factors of Unsustainability and Overexploitation in Fisheries. Mauritius, 3-7 February 2003.FAO Fisheries Report. No. 700. Rome, FAO. 2003. 305p.

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    Book (series)
    Report and documentation of the International Workshop on Factors of Unsustainability and Overexploitation in Fisheries (Bangkok, Thailand, 4-8 February 2002) 2002
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    This international workshop was organized in order to review and assess factors contributing to unsustainability and overexploitation in fisheries. The workshop addressed, inter alia, the following questions: What are the key factors contributing to fisheries unsustainability and overexploitation and how do these factors interact in general and under major fisheries management systems? Which are the priority issues in addressing fisheries unsustainability and overexploitation and what are the be st practical approaches to address these factors in order to contribute to responsible fisheries management? Preliminary considerations were also given to related issues such as how and in what way these factors were addressed in international fisheries instruments and whether the current instruments are sufficient to address these factors. This document contains the report of the workshop as well as discussion papers prepared for the workshop and notes submitted by participants. Th is document and, in particular, the conclusions and recommendations adopted by Workshop participants can serve as a basis for further work aimed at improved fisheries management and a more effective implementation of major international fisheries instruments.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the Workshop on the Implementation of the 1995 FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in the Pacific Islands: a Call to Action. Nadi, Fiji, 27-31 October 2003. 2004
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    This document contains the report of, and the papers presented at, the FAO Workshop on the Implementation of the 1995 FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in the Pacific Islands: A Call to Action which was held in Nadi, Fiji, from 27 to 31 October 2003. The goals of the Workshop were to facilitate a greater understanding of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries among all stakeholders involved in fisheries in the Pacific Islands; to foster steps towards the more effective impleme ntation of the Code in the region; to encourage fishery policy revisions reflecting the objectives and general principles of the Code and to encourage an inclusive approach to management whereby stakeholders are involved in the development and review processes and the implementation of measures rather than an exclusive process where stakeholders are largely excluded from the processes. In the course of its deliberations, the Workshop addressed the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and it s framework; legal considerations and issues relating to the Code; responsible fisheries management; responsible fishing operations; responsible aquaculture and inland fisheries; responsible post-harvest practices and trade and the integration of fisheries into coastal area management. In addition, there was a role-playing exercise concerning making responsible decisions about fisheries. To enhance the participatory nature of the Workshop, five Working Groups were formed. They focused on fisheri es management, fishing operations, aquaculture and inland fisheries development, postharvest practices and trade and the integration of fisheries into coastal area management. Each Working Group developed conclusions and recommendations. The Workshop endorsed several national, regional and global follow-up actions. The Workshop was funded by the FAO FishCode Programme through Project GCP/INT/823/JPN (SIDS: Responsible Fisheries for Small Island Developing States) and the FAO Regular Programme.
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    Book (series)
    Overcoming factors of unsustainability and overexploitation in fisheries: selected papers on issues and approaches. 2005
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    This international workshop was organized in order to identify factors of unsustainability and over exploitation in fisheries and review major issues in the implementation of international fisheries instruments. The Workshop was based on a review of discussion papers that took into account the outcomes of the previous workshops on these issues. It addressed the following thematic issues: governance and fisheries management; causes or solutions for unsustainability; access and fishing rights; f ishery management and sustainability dimensions; and small scale issues and developing country perspective. This document contains the report of the Workshop and eighteen discussion papers submitted by participants.

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