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African Commission on Agricultural Statistics. 28th session, 4-8 December 2023
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PresentationAsia and Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics - 29th Session. Computation of Farm-Based SDG Indicators: Indonesia’s Experience in Conducting Agricultural Integrated Surveys
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No Thumbnail AvailableProjectIndonesia - A standard statistical system for current fishery statistics in Indonesia. A report prepared for the fisheries development and management project 1980
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No results found.Fishery statistics of Indonesia available until 1972 were of rather limited use because of certain deficiencies inherent in the existing statistical survey system. A revised survey system was introduced to overcome these difficulties. The revised survey system covers not only catch and fishing effort statistics but also fishery inventory statistics and fish processing statistics. For the design of the sample survey a sampling frame was obtained through the complete enumeration of the 1973 Agr iculture Census which was undertaken by the Central Bureau of Statistics. However, because the produced sampling frame was limited to Sumatra, Java and Bali, the Directorate General of Fisheries conducted a supplementary frame survey. The standard survey methods used were sample surveys with both objective and subjective measurements for data collection. The standard statistical system has been introduced since April 1976 for the marine fishery and from January 1977 for the inland open water fishery and fresh water culture. The development and implementation of the standard statistical system are described and explained in this report. Examples of the forms used are included
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