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Rôle du Comité financier dans la gestion des arriérés

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    The role of international financial institutions and development banks in eliminating child labour in agriculture
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    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has estimated that achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 on zero hunger alone would require mobilizing an additional USD 265 billion per year in investments. It is also quite clear that reaching the SDGs, which are intrinsically interlinked, will require significantly more investments in agriculture, beyond SDG 2. Achieving sustainable benefits for all, however, requires not only increasing the volume of investments, but also their quality. The investments must be inclusive, responsible and more comprehensive, addressing economic, social and environmental risks under multiple SDGs through rigorous risk assessment tools and safeguard policies and measures. In the present paper, the strategies available to integrate child labour safeguards into agricultural investment programmes are explored, starting with a brief description of the main underlying drivers of child labour in agriculture.
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    The role of the Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) in providing financial services to rural women 2018
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    The Partnership note aims at providing readers with an overview of the work carried out by the Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) – one of the largest organizations of informal workers in the world– in bolstering financial inclusion for poor women, both in India (where SEWA is based) and abroad. The four-decade experience that SEWA can boast in providing financial services to poor women around the world - together with the unique financial innovations that the organization has developed through trial-and-error for its members - make SEWA an extremely interesting case study within the domain of development finance.

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