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FAO Turkey Newsletter, August 2021 - Issue #4

FAO Turkey Newsletter, August 2021 - Issue #4

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    FAO Turkey Newsletter, June 2021 - Issue #3
    FAO Turkey Newsletter, June 2021 - Issue #3
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    In the Third issue of FAOTURN, The third issue of FAOTURN 3 is mainly focused on the success of the project, which is implemented under the Syrian Refugee Resilience Plan. The project, “Promoting Resilience through Improved Livelihoods”, implemented by FAO Turkey, also addresses gender inequality as a priority, emphasizing women’s empowerment. In this issue, readers can find clear and brief achievements from the project. Another vital topic for the FAOTURN 3 is food loss and waste. An increasing number of reports confirm that reductions in food loss and waste contribute positively to a wide range of areas, including the environment and the economy. In this regard, FAO is running a campaign – Save Your Food – which has just completed its first year in Turkey. In this issue, you will also find an article on “Contributing to Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Target Setting by Demonstrating the LDN Approach”, a project designed to deliver a decision support system for land degradation neutrality, with a view to scaling up to the national level. FAOTUR3 also provides updates on a biodiversity-focused project in Şanlıurfa, the photo of the month, and many other interesting topics.
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    FAO Turkey Newsletter, May 2021- Issue #2 2021
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    The second issue of FAOTURN focuses on biodiversity. Our headline file contains information about biodiversity projects implemented in different parts of Turkey and the results of the studies. Another topic is food loss and waste, one of FAO's global challenges. There is an interesting example from the Save Your Food campaign implemented in Turkey. Services for women and children, like kindergarten and child services, in the work, carried out under the SRRP roof was one of the files in this issue. Details of the latest report on the partnership between FAO and Turkey is one of FAOTURN's topics as well. We have included the calendar of activities to be held in Turkey in the next two months in this issue.
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    FAO Turkey Newsletter, December 2021 - Issue #7
    The developments and the latest situations of FAO's projects in Turkey in 2021 are described.
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    The 7th issue of the FAOTURN, and the last issue for 2021, mainly focused on the outputs of the projects that FAO in Turkey had implemented. In this regard, you can find the detailed progress and the check balance of the projects for 2021. In the last period of the last year, we have witnessed important progress in the projects that have been implemented under the Syrian Refugees Resilience Program. Especially the job fairs and the outputs of these activities can inspire the colleagues. As always, women empowerment was the main goal of improving the sector. To cope with the effect of the climate crisis was also a top priority for us. In this issue, readers can find great efforts for preventing land degradation. And we are gladly announcing that a participant from Turkey, Gülden Başaran, is among the 12 finalists of the World Food Day Poster Contest 2021, having obtained second place in the 16-19 age category. And finally, ​in this issue, Vladimir Olegovich Rakhmanin, FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Europe and Central Asia, wrote for the FAO-Turkey Newsletter.

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