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Strengthening Capacities to Implement Agricultural and Rural Development Strategies in Georgia - GCP/GEO/012/AUS

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    Enhancing the Competitiveness of Agriculture in Georgia through Improved Food Safety and Animal Health Standards - GCP/GEO/009/SWI 2022
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    The project supported the development and rollout of a NAITS based on open source frameworks (to avoid present and future licensing costs), using modern digital technologies to minimize costs and provide the utmost flexibility, in compliance with the IT strategy of the MEPA. In parallel, the project deployed equipment for the intended users of the software and developed their capacities. As a result of project activities, the MEPA and NFA have the capacity to identify, register and track livestock animal health prevention and response measures. This was achieved through the design and development of electronic individual animal identification, registration and traceability software, which was tested through a number of pilots. A wide range of capacity development activities were undertaken, including training of slaughterhouse and NFA field veterinarians. In addition, the project successfully engaged in cooperation and exchange of knowledge and experiences with other countries in the region, in particular Armenia and Azerbaijan.
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    Enhancing the Agricultural Sector in Georgia - GCP/GEO/011/EC 2023
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    Despite the overall economic progress of recent years and promising processes unfolding in agriculture in Georgia, much remains to be done to ensure the successful modernization of the rural economy and inclusive growth. The small-scale and fragmented nature of agricultural production, the lack of technology and expertise, the poor state of rural infrastructure, and the difficulties in accessing the finances needed to upgrade productive capacities necessitate further comprehensive reforms in the country’s agricultural sector. Against this background, the European Union (EU) and FAO have been working together to help Georgia boost its agriculture production by introducing modern, environmentally sustainable and cost-effective production techniques. This project was funded by the European Union under the third phase of the European Neighborhood Program for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD III) and built on the results delivered by FAO under ENPARD I and ENPARD II, as well as on the ongoing activities of ENPARD stakeholders implementing Liaison Entre Actions de Développementde l’EconomieRurale(LEADER) projects in eight municipalities in Georgia.
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    Support to Capacity Building on Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Implementation of Local Community Development Pilot Projects - TCP/MOL/3607 2020
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    Agriculture is a pillar of the Republic of Moldova’s RoM economy and serves as the primary source of income in rural areas Approximately 1 9 million people, or 58 percent of the country’s population, live in rural areas, while one quarter of the employed population works in the agriculture sector Generally, however, the sector has low productivity and a high level of informal employment Additionally, over 94 percent of private households in the RoM possess less than 3 hectares of land, which is reflective of the land reforms that occurred during the 1990 s Notwithstanding, agriculture, together with the food processing industry, accounted for USD 1 billion, equivalent to 15 percent of the national GDP, and 30 percent of total exports in 2015 Unemployment affects two thirds of the rural population, while relatively low wages exist in the agriculture sector These factors have both contributed to the pockets of poverty that persist in the country Moreover, wages for rural women are only 76 percent of those of men (on average), further complicating this matter Farmers continue to face several challenges in the advancement of agriculture, including underdeveloped rural infrastructure, poor access to markets and susceptibility to extreme weather events (especially droughts.

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