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Growing crops with shaw-phyu trees: Learning from a farmer field school agroforestry plot

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    Policy brief
    What have we learned from trees? Three decades of farmer field schools on agroforestry and forestry 2022
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    Over the last three decades, Farmer Field Schools (FFS) have proven to be an effective discovery-learning-capacity building approach to help rural populations to innovate with more clarity and purpose while building the social skills needed for rural transformation and empowerment. The diverse forestry and agroforestry applications of the FFS demonstrate a high impact on fostering ecological literacy and unlocking creative capacities in problem solving. Producers are encouraged to take ownership of change occurring at the local level. FFSs in forestry and agroforestry can help rural families and producer organizations develop multiple ways of reducing the environmental impacts of agriculture and contribute to rehabilitating ecologies and restoring ecosystems. The experiences of farmer field schools (FFS) around the world show a tremendous potential to advance small-scale forestry and agroforestry. By applying the FFS approach to agroforestry and forestry, it is possible to: Enable family farmers to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and social organization to achieve a more regenerative natural resource stewardship in and through small-scale and family farming, and to collectively contribute to sustainability and climate change targets. Support people-centred forest extension and community-based forestry by demonstrating the key role of better education and ecological literacy in empowering change in rural communities. Develop “response-ability”, i.e. the capacity of small-scale producers to respond to challenges in agriculture, food and natural resources management with renewed creativity, knowledge and technological development. Develop multiple ways of reducing the environmental impacts of agriculture while ensuring food security and nutrition and contributing to ecosystems restoration, climate change mitigation and adaptation as well as biodiversity conservation.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Building Resilient Agricultural Systems through Farmer Field Schools
    Integrated Production and Pest Management Programme
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    Since 2001, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has worked with more than 180 000 farmers in West Africa to build more productive and resilient agricultural systems through the Integrated Production and Pest Management Programme (IPPM). Based on a well-tested farmer field school (FFS) approach, this participatory, community-based educational method combines principles and practices from community development, non-formal education, agroecology and adaptive ecosystem management.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Farmer field school curriculum for the integrated crop management of paddy, oil seed and pulses crops in central dry zone of Myanmar 2022
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    In this curriculum, integrated pest management (IPM) for these selected crops, paddy, groundnut, sesame, green gram and chickpea will be briefly outlined. The general concept of IPM will be the same for these crops although the insect pests, diseases and weeds may differ from one crop to another. The name of pests will be listed for information and important messages those are unique for Myanmar situation will be briefed if necessary, rather than giving detailed account of morphology, biology, ecology and management which can be readily available in published literature. It is aimed to improve the knowledge of farmers on the pests including insects, plant diseases, weeds and rodents causing reduction in the yield of field crops and how to manage the crops to boost the crop production without deteriorating environmental resources for sustainable agriculture.

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