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Together, we can prevent the spread of Tropical Race 4 (TR4)

TR4 Global Network - An initiative of the World Banana Forum

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  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Diagnosing Tropical Race 4 from field to lab
    TR4 Global Network - An initiative of the World Banana Forum
    Early detection and diagnosis of the presence of Tropical Race 4 (TR4), combined with rapid destruction of infected banana plants and on-farm restrictions, are the only ways to control and contain the disease-causing fungus. Process on how to diagnose TR4 – From field to lab outlines some actions farmers/growers can take to recognize the symptoms of TR4. These include: always keep an eye out for TR4; notify authorities such as the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) to report any suspected TR4 signs and symptoms; await relevant authorities for specialized inspection; facilitate the collection of samples that can be packaged, labelled, and sent with a secure chain of custody to a specialised laboratory; and ensure laboratory testing, which, alone, can truly confirm a TR4 outbreak. Other possible diagnoses of plants afflicted with TR4-like symptoms are also outlined in the document. Sometimes, what was initially suspected to be TR4 turns out to be a different disease or natural phenomenon. In any case all suspected cases should be treated as potentially hazardous.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Preventing the spread and introduction of banana fusarium wilt disease Tropical race 4 (TR4)
    Guide for travelers
    Also available in:

    Banana is an important crop for food security and ensuring the livelihoods of approximately 400 million people who depend on the crop either as a staple food or source of income, particularly in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Plant pests and diseases can seriously affect agricultural production and livelihood of rural people. Fusarium wilt of banana is one of the key examples of crop devastation by a plant disease. This disease brought the banana export industry almost to a halt in the 20th century when the popular banana variety Gros Michel was devastated in Central America. The sector was saved by the introduction of the Cavendish variety, which is resistant to race 1 of the fungus. However, Cavendish bananas are now succumbing to a new, highly aggressive strain of the Fusarium wilt fungus, Tropical race 4 (TR4). Fusarium wilt TR4 threatens almost all banana producers, posing the greatest risks to countries producing Cavendish bananas in monoculture plantations in Asia, Australia, Africa, the Near East, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Cavendish bananas, which constitute approximately half of the bananas grown globally are highly susceptible to TR4, but other dessert banana varieties grown in these regions are also susceptible. Once established in a banana plantation, the fungus can survive in the soil for decades with its chlamydospores, even without banana plants. Scientific reports indicate the presence of TR4 in numerous countries in Asia (China – mainland and Taiwan Province), India, Indonesia, Israel, Jordan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Malaysia, Myanmar,
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Diagnostiquer la Race tropical 4 du terrain aux laboratoires
    Réseau mondial sur la TR4 – Une initiative du Forum mondial de la banane
    La détection et le diagnostic précoces de la présence de la souche tropicale 4 (TR4), combinés à la destruction rapide des bananiers infectés et aux restrictions dans les exploitations, sont les seuls moyens de contrôler et de contenir le champignon responsable de la maladie. Processus de diagnostic du TR4 - Du champ au laboratoire décrit certaines mesures que les agriculteurs et les producteurs peuvent prendre pour reconnaître les symptômes du TR4. Il s'agit notamment de : être toujours en alerte relativement au TR4; notifier aux autorités telles que l'Organisation Nationale de la Protection des Végétaux (ONPV) tout signe et symptôme de TR4 suspecté; attendre que les autorités compétentes procèdent à une inspection spécialisée; faciliter la collecte d'échantillons qui peuvent être emballés, étiquetés et envoyés avec une chaîne de contrôle sécurisée à un laboratoire spécialisé et assurer des tests de laboratoire, qui, seuls, peuvent véritablement confirmer un foyer de TR4. D'autres diagnostics possibles de plantes atteintes de symptômes de type TR4 sont également décrits dans le document. Il se peut que certains soupçons de TR4 révèlent en réalité une maladie différente ou un phénomène naturel. Quoi qu’il en soit, tous les cas suspects doivent être traités comme potentiellement dangereux.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Diagnosing Tropical Race 4 from field to lab
    TR4 Global Network - An initiative of the World Banana Forum
    Early detection and diagnosis of the presence of Tropical Race 4 (TR4), combined with rapid destruction of infected banana plants and on-farm restrictions, are the only ways to control and contain the disease-causing fungus. Process on how to diagnose TR4 – From field to lab outlines some actions farmers/growers can take to recognize the symptoms of TR4. These include: always keep an eye out for TR4; notify authorities such as the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) to report any suspected TR4 signs and symptoms; await relevant authorities for specialized inspection; facilitate the collection of samples that can be packaged, labelled, and sent with a secure chain of custody to a specialised laboratory; and ensure laboratory testing, which, alone, can truly confirm a TR4 outbreak. Other possible diagnoses of plants afflicted with TR4-like symptoms are also outlined in the document. Sometimes, what was initially suspected to be TR4 turns out to be a different disease or natural phenomenon. In any case all suspected cases should be treated as potentially hazardous.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Preventing the spread and introduction of banana fusarium wilt disease Tropical race 4 (TR4)
    Guide for travelers
    Also available in:

    Banana is an important crop for food security and ensuring the livelihoods of approximately 400 million people who depend on the crop either as a staple food or source of income, particularly in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Plant pests and diseases can seriously affect agricultural production and livelihood of rural people. Fusarium wilt of banana is one of the key examples of crop devastation by a plant disease. This disease brought the banana export industry almost to a halt in the 20th century when the popular banana variety Gros Michel was devastated in Central America. The sector was saved by the introduction of the Cavendish variety, which is resistant to race 1 of the fungus. However, Cavendish bananas are now succumbing to a new, highly aggressive strain of the Fusarium wilt fungus, Tropical race 4 (TR4). Fusarium wilt TR4 threatens almost all banana producers, posing the greatest risks to countries producing Cavendish bananas in monoculture plantations in Asia, Australia, Africa, the Near East, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Cavendish bananas, which constitute approximately half of the bananas grown globally are highly susceptible to TR4, but other dessert banana varieties grown in these regions are also susceptible. Once established in a banana plantation, the fungus can survive in the soil for decades with its chlamydospores, even without banana plants. Scientific reports indicate the presence of TR4 in numerous countries in Asia (China – mainland and Taiwan Province), India, Indonesia, Israel, Jordan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Malaysia, Myanmar,
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Diagnostiquer la Race tropical 4 du terrain aux laboratoires
    Réseau mondial sur la TR4 – Une initiative du Forum mondial de la banane
    La détection et le diagnostic précoces de la présence de la souche tropicale 4 (TR4), combinés à la destruction rapide des bananiers infectés et aux restrictions dans les exploitations, sont les seuls moyens de contrôler et de contenir le champignon responsable de la maladie. Processus de diagnostic du TR4 - Du champ au laboratoire décrit certaines mesures que les agriculteurs et les producteurs peuvent prendre pour reconnaître les symptômes du TR4. Il s'agit notamment de : être toujours en alerte relativement au TR4; notifier aux autorités telles que l'Organisation Nationale de la Protection des Végétaux (ONPV) tout signe et symptôme de TR4 suspecté; attendre que les autorités compétentes procèdent à une inspection spécialisée; faciliter la collecte d'échantillons qui peuvent être emballés, étiquetés et envoyés avec une chaîne de contrôle sécurisée à un laboratoire spécialisé et assurer des tests de laboratoire, qui, seuls, peuvent véritablement confirmer un foyer de TR4. D'autres diagnostics possibles de plantes atteintes de symptômes de type TR4 sont également décrits dans le document. Il se peut que certains soupçons de TR4 révèlent en réalité une maladie différente ou un phénomène naturel. Quoi qu’il en soit, tous les cas suspects doivent être traités comme potentiellement dangereux.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Diagnosing Tropical Race 4 from field to lab
    TR4 Global Network - An initiative of the World Banana Forum
    Early detection and diagnosis of the presence of Tropical Race 4 (TR4), combined with rapid destruction of infected banana plants and on-farm restrictions, are the only ways to control and contain the disease-causing fungus. Process on how to diagnose TR4 – From field to lab outlines some actions farmers/growers can take to recognize the symptoms of TR4. These include: always keep an eye out for TR4; notify authorities such as the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) to report any suspected TR4 signs and symptoms; await relevant authorities for specialized inspection; facilitate the collection of samples that can be packaged, labelled, and sent with a secure chain of custody to a specialised laboratory; and ensure laboratory testing, which, alone, can truly confirm a TR4 outbreak. Other possible diagnoses of plants afflicted with TR4-like symptoms are also outlined in the document. Sometimes, what was initially suspected to be TR4 turns out to be a different disease or natural phenomenon. In any case all suspected cases should be treated as potentially hazardous.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Preventing the spread and introduction of banana fusarium wilt disease Tropical race 4 (TR4)
    Guide for travelers
    Also available in:

    Banana is an important crop for food security and ensuring the livelihoods of approximately 400 million people who depend on the crop either as a staple food or source of income, particularly in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Plant pests and diseases can seriously affect agricultural production and livelihood of rural people. Fusarium wilt of banana is one of the key examples of crop devastation by a plant disease. This disease brought the banana export industry almost to a halt in the 20th century when the popular banana variety Gros Michel was devastated in Central America. The sector was saved by the introduction of the Cavendish variety, which is resistant to race 1 of the fungus. However, Cavendish bananas are now succumbing to a new, highly aggressive strain of the Fusarium wilt fungus, Tropical race 4 (TR4). Fusarium wilt TR4 threatens almost all banana producers, posing the greatest risks to countries producing Cavendish bananas in monoculture plantations in Asia, Australia, Africa, the Near East, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Cavendish bananas, which constitute approximately half of the bananas grown globally are highly susceptible to TR4, but other dessert banana varieties grown in these regions are also susceptible. Once established in a banana plantation, the fungus can survive in the soil for decades with its chlamydospores, even without banana plants. Scientific reports indicate the presence of TR4 in numerous countries in Asia (China – mainland and Taiwan Province), India, Indonesia, Israel, Jordan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Malaysia, Myanmar,
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Diagnostiquer la Race tropical 4 du terrain aux laboratoires
    Réseau mondial sur la TR4 – Une initiative du Forum mondial de la banane
    La détection et le diagnostic précoces de la présence de la souche tropicale 4 (TR4), combinés à la destruction rapide des bananiers infectés et aux restrictions dans les exploitations, sont les seuls moyens de contrôler et de contenir le champignon responsable de la maladie. Processus de diagnostic du TR4 - Du champ au laboratoire décrit certaines mesures que les agriculteurs et les producteurs peuvent prendre pour reconnaître les symptômes du TR4. Il s'agit notamment de : être toujours en alerte relativement au TR4; notifier aux autorités telles que l'Organisation Nationale de la Protection des Végétaux (ONPV) tout signe et symptôme de TR4 suspecté; attendre que les autorités compétentes procèdent à une inspection spécialisée; faciliter la collecte d'échantillons qui peuvent être emballés, étiquetés et envoyés avec une chaîne de contrôle sécurisée à un laboratoire spécialisé et assurer des tests de laboratoire, qui, seuls, peuvent véritablement confirmer un foyer de TR4. D'autres diagnostics possibles de plantes atteintes de symptômes de type TR4 sont également décrits dans le document. Il se peut que certains soupçons de TR4 révèlent en réalité une maladie différente ou un phénomène naturel. Quoi qu’il en soit, tous les cas suspects doivent être traités comme potentiellement dangereux.

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