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“Ҳеч кимни ортда қолдирмаган ҳолда”: Туркия ва Марказий Осиёда қишлоқ аёлларининг янада фаол иштироки ҳамда ҳуқуқлари ва имкониятларини кенгайтиришга кўмаклашиш GCP/SEC/018/TUR

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Ҳеҷ касро дар канор нагузоред": ҷалби бештар ва васеъсозии ҳуқуқу имкониятҳои занони деҳот дар Туркия ва Осиёи Марказӣ (GCP/SEC/018/TUR) 2022
    Лоиҳа ба занони деҳоти Тоҷикистон, Туркия ва Ӯзбакистон барои ба даст овардани донишу малакаҳо, баланд бардоштани вазъи иқтисодии худ, таъсиси тиҷорат ва кооперативҳо кумак карда, хамчун барандаи тағйир додани ҷомеаи худ мусоидат мекунад. Лоиҳа инчунин ба фароҳам овардани муҳити фаъол барои тавонмандсозии иқтисодии занони деҳот мусоидат хоҳад кард. Лоиҳа чун як платформаи минтақавӣ хидмат хоҳад кард, ки дар он вазоратҳои кишоварзии Туркия, Тоҷикистон ва Ӯзбекистон дар бораи мушкилот, таҷрибаҳои пешқадам ва роҳҳои ҳалли сиёсӣ оид ба татбиқи сиёсат ва барномаҳои марбут ба кишоварзӣ ва рушди деҳот, ки ҷавобгӯи баробарии гендерианд, ба воситаи семинарҳои минтақавӣ мубодилаи афкор мекунанд.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Leaving no one behind: greater involvement and empowerment of rural women in Turkey and Central Asia (GCP/SEC/018/TUR) 2022
    The project will help grass-roots rural women in Tajikistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan, gain knowledge and skills to improve their economic status, start businesses and cooperatives, while empowering them to become agents of change in their communities. The project will also contribute to the creation of an enabling environment for rural women’s economic empowerment. The project will create a regional platform where the ministries of agriculture of Turkey, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will share challenges, best practices and policy solutions for the implementation of gender responsive agriculture and rural development policies and programmes with the support of regional workshops.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Leaving no one behind: Greater involvement and empowerment of rural women in Türkiye and Central Asia (LNOB)
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    Under the FAO-Türkiye Partnership Programmes, the "Leaving No One Behind" (LNOB) project has been advancing the socioeconomic empowerment of rural women in Uzbekistan since 2021. In Uzbekistan, with a specific focus on Boʻstonliq District, the initiative has equipped 48 rural women with skills in dairy production and beekeeping through tailored training sessions and technical consultations. Beneficiaries also received essential equipment to enhance income-generating opportunities. The project hosted workshops on marketing strategies and integrated local women into the Honey Festival, fostering knowledge exchange and market access.In alignment with Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2, and 5, the LNOB project has strengthened institutional mechanisms and supported gender-responsive policies to empower rural women while addressing barriers such as informal employment and limited access to resources. Key milestones included the launch of Uzbekistan's Country Gender Assessment in Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods and a Central Asian Forum celebrating International Rural Women's Day in Tashkent.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Ҳеҷ касро дар канор нагузоред": ҷалби бештар ва васеъсозии ҳуқуқу имкониятҳои занони деҳот дар Туркия ва Осиёи Марказӣ (GCP/SEC/018/TUR) 2022
    Лоиҳа ба занони деҳоти Тоҷикистон, Туркия ва Ӯзбакистон барои ба даст овардани донишу малакаҳо, баланд бардоштани вазъи иқтисодии худ, таъсиси тиҷорат ва кооперативҳо кумак карда, хамчун барандаи тағйир додани ҷомеаи худ мусоидат мекунад. Лоиҳа инчунин ба фароҳам овардани муҳити фаъол барои тавонмандсозии иқтисодии занони деҳот мусоидат хоҳад кард. Лоиҳа чун як платформаи минтақавӣ хидмат хоҳад кард, ки дар он вазоратҳои кишоварзии Туркия, Тоҷикистон ва Ӯзбекистон дар бораи мушкилот, таҷрибаҳои пешқадам ва роҳҳои ҳалли сиёсӣ оид ба татбиқи сиёсат ва барномаҳои марбут ба кишоварзӣ ва рушди деҳот, ки ҷавобгӯи баробарии гендерианд, ба воситаи семинарҳои минтақавӣ мубодилаи афкор мекунанд.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Leaving no one behind: greater involvement and empowerment of rural women in Turkey and Central Asia (GCP/SEC/018/TUR) 2022
    The project will help grass-roots rural women in Tajikistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan, gain knowledge and skills to improve their economic status, start businesses and cooperatives, while empowering them to become agents of change in their communities. The project will also contribute to the creation of an enabling environment for rural women’s economic empowerment. The project will create a regional platform where the ministries of agriculture of Turkey, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will share challenges, best practices and policy solutions for the implementation of gender responsive agriculture and rural development policies and programmes with the support of regional workshops.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Leaving no one behind: Greater involvement and empowerment of rural women in Türkiye and Central Asia (LNOB)
    Also available in:
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    Under the FAO-Türkiye Partnership Programmes, the "Leaving No One Behind" (LNOB) project has been advancing the socioeconomic empowerment of rural women in Uzbekistan since 2021. In Uzbekistan, with a specific focus on Boʻstonliq District, the initiative has equipped 48 rural women with skills in dairy production and beekeeping through tailored training sessions and technical consultations. Beneficiaries also received essential equipment to enhance income-generating opportunities. The project hosted workshops on marketing strategies and integrated local women into the Honey Festival, fostering knowledge exchange and market access.In alignment with Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2, and 5, the LNOB project has strengthened institutional mechanisms and supported gender-responsive policies to empower rural women while addressing barriers such as informal employment and limited access to resources. Key milestones included the launch of Uzbekistan's Country Gender Assessment in Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods and a Central Asian Forum celebrating International Rural Women's Day in Tashkent.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Ҳеҷ касро дар канор нагузоред": ҷалби бештар ва васеъсозии ҳуқуқу имкониятҳои занони деҳот дар Туркия ва Осиёи Марказӣ (GCP/SEC/018/TUR) 2022
    Лоиҳа ба занони деҳоти Тоҷикистон, Туркия ва Ӯзбакистон барои ба даст овардани донишу малакаҳо, баланд бардоштани вазъи иқтисодии худ, таъсиси тиҷорат ва кооперативҳо кумак карда, хамчун барандаи тағйир додани ҷомеаи худ мусоидат мекунад. Лоиҳа инчунин ба фароҳам овардани муҳити фаъол барои тавонмандсозии иқтисодии занони деҳот мусоидат хоҳад кард. Лоиҳа чун як платформаи минтақавӣ хидмат хоҳад кард, ки дар он вазоратҳои кишоварзии Туркия, Тоҷикистон ва Ӯзбекистон дар бораи мушкилот, таҷрибаҳои пешқадам ва роҳҳои ҳалли сиёсӣ оид ба татбиқи сиёсат ва барномаҳои марбут ба кишоварзӣ ва рушди деҳот, ки ҷавобгӯи баробарии гендерианд, ба воситаи семинарҳои минтақавӣ мубодилаи афкор мекунанд.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Leaving no one behind: greater involvement and empowerment of rural women in Turkey and Central Asia (GCP/SEC/018/TUR) 2022
    The project will help grass-roots rural women in Tajikistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan, gain knowledge and skills to improve their economic status, start businesses and cooperatives, while empowering them to become agents of change in their communities. The project will also contribute to the creation of an enabling environment for rural women’s economic empowerment. The project will create a regional platform where the ministries of agriculture of Turkey, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will share challenges, best practices and policy solutions for the implementation of gender responsive agriculture and rural development policies and programmes with the support of regional workshops.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Leaving no one behind: Greater involvement and empowerment of rural women in Türkiye and Central Asia (LNOB)
    Also available in:
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    Under the FAO-Türkiye Partnership Programmes, the "Leaving No One Behind" (LNOB) project has been advancing the socioeconomic empowerment of rural women in Uzbekistan since 2021. In Uzbekistan, with a specific focus on Boʻstonliq District, the initiative has equipped 48 rural women with skills in dairy production and beekeeping through tailored training sessions and technical consultations. Beneficiaries also received essential equipment to enhance income-generating opportunities. The project hosted workshops on marketing strategies and integrated local women into the Honey Festival, fostering knowledge exchange and market access.In alignment with Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2, and 5, the LNOB project has strengthened institutional mechanisms and supported gender-responsive policies to empower rural women while addressing barriers such as informal employment and limited access to resources. Key milestones included the launch of Uzbekistan's Country Gender Assessment in Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods and a Central Asian Forum celebrating International Rural Women's Day in Tashkent.

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