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Assessing Trade-Offs and Business Opportunities for Poultry Import Substitution, and Small Ruminant Value Chain Development in CARICOM - TCP/SLC/3805

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    Fallen Leaves Compost Agroforestry System in Musashino Upland, in the peri-urban area of Tokyo
    Webinar: Sustainable production and agrifood systems based on GIAHS approaches
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    Desarrollo de sistemas alimentarios resilientes impulsando y fortaleciendo el comercio intrarregional y global - TCP/RLA/3812 2024
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    América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) es la principal región exportadora neta de alimentos del mundo, cumpliendo un importante rol en la seguridad alimentaria del mundo y de la propia región. Durante el año 2022, las exportaciones agroalimentarias de ALC representaron el 18 % de las exportaciones de productos agroalimentarios del mundo, lo que significó un porcentaje mayor en comparación con 2021, en donde la participación de ALC fue del 15 % 1 . La región durante el trienio 2020 2022 exportó el 42,15 % de los productos agroalimentarios que produce, medido en calorías equivalente, y se espera alcance 42,56 % el año 2032 2 . A pesar de la importante orientación exportadora de la región varios países son también importadores netos, como El Salvador, Panamá, y la mayor parte del Caribe, siendo el comercio intrarregional aún bajo, representando menos del 15 % de sus exportaciones y el 40 % de sus importaciones.
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    Multipurpose Animal Recording Platform for Improving National and Sub-Regional Identification and Traceability of Livestock in the Caribbean Region - TCP/SLC/3802 2024
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    Given that several Caribbean countries lack identification systems within the livestock sector, they face several challenges in tracking and managing pests and diseases, and in establishing safe trade relationships in and outside of the Caribbean subregion. In other high-income countries, breeder associations developed animal identification and recording systems (AIRS) to manage pedigree details, genetic improvement programmes and for official veterinary authorities to prevent, control and eradicate diseases. However, since recent outbreaks of avian influenza, African swine fever (ASF) and other diseases have resulted in significant losses in livestock and in limitations to access international markets, many countries implemented nationwide AIRS that facilitate the complete traceability of animals and their products. Countries as Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Guyana, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines have not implemented animal identification and traceability systems (AITS) yet, which would be beneficial to establish healthier and safer food systems, to respond to emerging commercial opportunities and to develop national infrastructure. In order to address these challenges, this project was designed to provide a suitable legislation framework that will regulate and promote AITS, adapted to different national contexts (socioeconomic conditions, livestock providers, veterinary services and farmers capacities). Moreover, the project aimed to enhance institutional capacities to adopt new technologies and to provide new infrastructure to improve reporting resources, which would lead to improving pest management.

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