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FAO Cuba cooperation 2022

Significant results

FAO. 2023. FAO Cuba cooperation 2022 – Significant results. Havana.

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    Cuba - Plan Of Action. Response to needs arising from Hurricane Sandy - November 2012 2013
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    Hurricane Sandy hit the eastern region of Cuba hard. It passed through the country on 25 October, 2012 as a category 2 Hurricane (approaching category 3) in a five hours span. Sustained winds reached 200 km/h as Sandy lashed Cuba´s second and third most populated provinces of Santiago de Cuba and Holguin, respectively. 340,000 people were evacuated as a preventative measure, of whom 300,000 stayed with relatives. With the exception of 1,000 people accommodated in collective centres, these people have now returned to their damaged homes. Despite these preparedness measures, 11 people died and some three million people (27% of the country's inhabitants) are indirectly affected. At least half of these have had their housing, water, and food directly affected. Half of this population is female. More than 226,600 homes were damaged (representing 50% of the inhabitants of the eastern region) and at least 17,000 were destroyed - the majority in the City of Santiago de Cuba, with a population of close to 500,000 people. Although the Government of Cuba is responding swiftly and effectively to the hurricane, additional response is needed. The United Nations System, in support of the initial response of the Government, is working closely with local authorities, donors and emergency organizations to support national efforts. UN agencies mobilized $1.5 million in emergency funds, which was complemented by a $1.6 million allocation from the Central Emergency Response Fund from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The urban context of the affected area, with significant losses in housing, food reserves, crops, and storage and production facilities, combined with Santiago de Cuba´s importance as an economic hub for the eastern region and the country, has strained response capacity and leaves a huge impact on the living conditions of affected people. Given the magnitude of the storm and the resulting devastation, those affected ne ed urgent support to maintain basic health and nutritional standards and to provide adequate shelter/housing conditions. Of particular concern are heightened needs of vulnerable groups, such as women, pregnant women, children under five, as well as elderly people over 65. Immediate assistance is intended to address basic needs, and support start-up of recovery activities, while reducing vulnerabilities by strengthening communities’ resilience to future extreme weather. Food security is of pr iority given the magnitude of the losses of food combined with damage to food storage facilities. In addition to large losses in agriculture crops in the eastern region hit directly by the hurricane, subsequent flooding in the central regions compounds food losses. There is also an urgent need to restore health care services including repair of structures, replacement of medical equipment and restocking of medicines such as antibiotics and supplies. It must be assured that vaccination serv ices are resumed, early warning surveillance, prevention and treatment of potential disease outbreak, provision of maternal health services and sexual and reproductive health are in place. The immediate return of students and teachers to classes requires emergency repairs to damaged schools and replacement of school materials, interventions to provide potable water and sanitation, and construction material to repair roofs. This Plan of Action is seeking $30.6 million to address the urgent needs of the population affected by Hurricane Sandy.1 The UNS developed this plan recognizing the priorities of the affected population and was discussed with the Government. The UNS also held discussions with the Red Cross and international NGOs to avoid duplication of efforts. All projects and activities in the Plan of Action have humanitarian aspects that will be implemented during the first six months. Due to the particularities of the impact of this disaster and its urban context, many projects will continue until 18 months, strengthening the transition recovery. This strategy will cover basic immediate needs as well as support the improvement of living conditions of affected people.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Cuba: Belgium’s contribution through the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) 2022
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    On 27 September 2022, Category 3 Hurricane Ian hit the western region of Cuba with strong winds, significant storm surge and coastal flooding. Despite the measures taken by the Government of Cuba to harvest existing crops early and evacuate livestock, the hurricane caused significant damages and losses in the agriculture, livestock and fishing sectors – people’s main sources of livelihoods in affected municipalities. As a result, the food security of the population in the three most impacted provinces and the country’s capital is at risk. Thanks to Belgium’s contribution, through SFERA, FAO will implement activities to protect the livelihoods of poultry farmers. Rehabilitating poultry production facilities affected by the hurricane will enable producers to provide for their families and improve the food security and nutrition. The support provided by FAO and Belgium through this intervention is implemented in synergy with another project through which FAO, in partnership with the government, is rehabilitating vegetable production. This twofold response will contribute to protecting and restoring the food production and livelihoods of affected smallholders and those members of cooperatives, as well as improving the nutrition and diet diversity of the wider community.
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    Cooperación FAO Cuba 2022: Resultados relevantes 2023
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    Este informe resume los principales resultados de la FAO en Cuba en 2022. En momentos en que América Latina y el Caribe se empeña en enfrentar y superar la más compleja crisis humanitaria, económica y social de las últimas décadas, FAO Cuba continúa dando pasos hacia la consolidación de sus metas esenciales, con más de 57 millones de dólares movilizados entre 2019 y 2022, en apoyo a las áreas prioritarias firmadas con el gobierno en el Marco de Programación País 2020-2024. FAO Cuba acompañó la construcción e implementación de políticas públicas de impacto para la transformación de los sistemas agroalimentarios locales en Cuba y su gobernanza, como la Ley de Soberanía Alimentaria y Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional y otras políticas y normativas legales, y avanzó hacia una mayor resiliencia climática con la restauración productiva de 65 000 hectáreas de tierras previamente invadidas por el marabú y la conservación de recursos fitogenéticos y zoogenéticos de interés para la alimentación y la agricultura.
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    Cuba - Plan Of Action. Response to needs arising from Hurricane Sandy - November 2012 2013
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    Hurricane Sandy hit the eastern region of Cuba hard. It passed through the country on 25 October, 2012 as a category 2 Hurricane (approaching category 3) in a five hours span. Sustained winds reached 200 km/h as Sandy lashed Cuba´s second and third most populated provinces of Santiago de Cuba and Holguin, respectively. 340,000 people were evacuated as a preventative measure, of whom 300,000 stayed with relatives. With the exception of 1,000 people accommodated in collective centres, these people have now returned to their damaged homes. Despite these preparedness measures, 11 people died and some three million people (27% of the country's inhabitants) are indirectly affected. At least half of these have had their housing, water, and food directly affected. Half of this population is female. More than 226,600 homes were damaged (representing 50% of the inhabitants of the eastern region) and at least 17,000 were destroyed - the majority in the City of Santiago de Cuba, with a population of close to 500,000 people. Although the Government of Cuba is responding swiftly and effectively to the hurricane, additional response is needed. The United Nations System, in support of the initial response of the Government, is working closely with local authorities, donors and emergency organizations to support national efforts. UN agencies mobilized $1.5 million in emergency funds, which was complemented by a $1.6 million allocation from the Central Emergency Response Fund from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The urban context of the affected area, with significant losses in housing, food reserves, crops, and storage and production facilities, combined with Santiago de Cuba´s importance as an economic hub for the eastern region and the country, has strained response capacity and leaves a huge impact on the living conditions of affected people. Given the magnitude of the storm and the resulting devastation, those affected ne ed urgent support to maintain basic health and nutritional standards and to provide adequate shelter/housing conditions. Of particular concern are heightened needs of vulnerable groups, such as women, pregnant women, children under five, as well as elderly people over 65. Immediate assistance is intended to address basic needs, and support start-up of recovery activities, while reducing vulnerabilities by strengthening communities’ resilience to future extreme weather. Food security is of pr iority given the magnitude of the losses of food combined with damage to food storage facilities. In addition to large losses in agriculture crops in the eastern region hit directly by the hurricane, subsequent flooding in the central regions compounds food losses. There is also an urgent need to restore health care services including repair of structures, replacement of medical equipment and restocking of medicines such as antibiotics and supplies. It must be assured that vaccination serv ices are resumed, early warning surveillance, prevention and treatment of potential disease outbreak, provision of maternal health services and sexual and reproductive health are in place. The immediate return of students and teachers to classes requires emergency repairs to damaged schools and replacement of school materials, interventions to provide potable water and sanitation, and construction material to repair roofs. This Plan of Action is seeking $30.6 million to address the urgent needs of the population affected by Hurricane Sandy.1 The UNS developed this plan recognizing the priorities of the affected population and was discussed with the Government. The UNS also held discussions with the Red Cross and international NGOs to avoid duplication of efforts. All projects and activities in the Plan of Action have humanitarian aspects that will be implemented during the first six months. Due to the particularities of the impact of this disaster and its urban context, many projects will continue until 18 months, strengthening the transition recovery. This strategy will cover basic immediate needs as well as support the improvement of living conditions of affected people.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Cuba: Belgium’s contribution through the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) 2022
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    On 27 September 2022, Category 3 Hurricane Ian hit the western region of Cuba with strong winds, significant storm surge and coastal flooding. Despite the measures taken by the Government of Cuba to harvest existing crops early and evacuate livestock, the hurricane caused significant damages and losses in the agriculture, livestock and fishing sectors – people’s main sources of livelihoods in affected municipalities. As a result, the food security of the population in the three most impacted provinces and the country’s capital is at risk. Thanks to Belgium’s contribution, through SFERA, FAO will implement activities to protect the livelihoods of poultry farmers. Rehabilitating poultry production facilities affected by the hurricane will enable producers to provide for their families and improve the food security and nutrition. The support provided by FAO and Belgium through this intervention is implemented in synergy with another project through which FAO, in partnership with the government, is rehabilitating vegetable production. This twofold response will contribute to protecting and restoring the food production and livelihoods of affected smallholders and those members of cooperatives, as well as improving the nutrition and diet diversity of the wider community.
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    Cooperación FAO Cuba 2022: Resultados relevantes 2023
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    Este informe resume los principales resultados de la FAO en Cuba en 2022. En momentos en que América Latina y el Caribe se empeña en enfrentar y superar la más compleja crisis humanitaria, económica y social de las últimas décadas, FAO Cuba continúa dando pasos hacia la consolidación de sus metas esenciales, con más de 57 millones de dólares movilizados entre 2019 y 2022, en apoyo a las áreas prioritarias firmadas con el gobierno en el Marco de Programación País 2020-2024. FAO Cuba acompañó la construcción e implementación de políticas públicas de impacto para la transformación de los sistemas agroalimentarios locales en Cuba y su gobernanza, como la Ley de Soberanía Alimentaria y Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional y otras políticas y normativas legales, y avanzó hacia una mayor resiliencia climática con la restauración productiva de 65 000 hectáreas de tierras previamente invadidas por el marabú y la conservación de recursos fitogenéticos y zoogenéticos de interés para la alimentación y la agricultura.

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