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Guidance Note: Integrating the Right to Adequate Food into food and nutrition security programmes

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Integrating the right to adequate food in national food and nutrition security policies and programmes: practical approaches to policy and programme analysis
    Right to food methodological toolbox. Book 6
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    This volume outlines a simple and practical way to analyse the design and implementation of food and nutrition security (FNS) policies and programmes from a right to food perspective. The right to food approach, as an instrument to help formulate FNS policies and programmes, is emphasized. The primary focus is on national overarching FNS policies. The question of how to assess sector policies that may have direct or indirect impacts on food security and nutrition security is also addressed. Good policies need an enabling implementation environment, which includes evidence-based decisions, adequate financial and human resources and sound governance. These aspects are addressed within the context of the formulation and implementation of FNS policies. Programmes are operational instruments designed to implement policies. FNS policies with strong right to food underpinnings should give rise to action plans and programmes that translate such underpinnings into practice. For this reason, FN S programmes are analysed from a right to food perspective to assess whether are developed and implemented with full respect for right to food principles. The analytical and methodological approaches outlined here can be applied at two different stages: (a) when an FNS policy or programme is being formulated for the first time, or (b) when an existing FNS policy or programme and its impacts and implementation process are being assessed. This reference guide complements existing relevant methodo logical reference guides, such as are found in the Right to Food Methodological Toolbox.
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    Book (series)
    The Right to Adequate Food in Emergencies
    FAO Legislative Study 77
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    The purpose of this study is to clarify the meaning of the right to adequate food with specific regard to emergency situations including both natural and man-made disasters. The study identifies and analyses the applicable principles rules and standards of international law related to the right to food in emergency situations.
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    The Current Status of the Right to Adequate Food in Food Security and Nutrition Policy Designs
    Right to Food Thematic Study 1.
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    This Thematic Study reviewed the existing food security and nutrition (FSN) policy documents to determine the extent to which the designs of these policies have right to food underpinnings. Even after the Right to Food Guidelines were endorsed by most countries the right to food underpinnings of the FSN policy designs, with notable exceptions, tend to be weak. This tends to be true more for FSN policies in Africa and Asia, even though a few exceptions there can be found. Current FSN policies in Latin America and the Caribbean have the right to food more firmly integrated in their designs, in some cases with transformative qualities with respect to the right to food. A more complete assessment study should identify the facilitating or limiting factors that help explain these inter-regional differences. Currently more examples of FSN policy designs that have some right to food underpinnings may be found as compared to prior to 2005. FSN policies increasingly include guiding principle s for policy implementation that are in part human rights-based. Participation and gender equality are often included. However, what is missing in the policy designs are specific actions to ensure that the conditions exist for the implementation of these principles. In order to strengthen the right to adequate food underpinnings of future FSN policy designs national governments should be encouraged to formulate food security and nutrition policies that are in line with the state obligation to f acilitate the progressive realization of the right to adequate food. National governments should review and periodically update the design of existing FNS policies with the objective to turn these policies into effective instruments that contribute to the protection and realization of the right to adequate food. With the aim of strengthening the right to food underpinnings of FSN policy designs, a complete right to food assessment should be undertaken, which covers an analysis of the FSN situati on, as well as the legal, policy and institutional frameworks relevant to the right to food, to ensure that the right to food contents of FSN policies are evidence-based. The FSN situation analysis needs to focus more on identifying and characterizing the most vulnerable groups and on drawing out the structural inequities in FSN outcomes. Greater and more effective participation in the formulation (and implementation) of FSN policies by the human rights community, specifically any human rights i nstitution that may exist as well as civil society organizations that focus on human rights, should contribute to strengthening the right to food underpinnings of FSN policies.

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