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The State of Food and Agriculture 2007

Paying farmers for environmental services

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    Book (stand-alone)
    世界食料農業白書 2007年報告
    「世界食料農業白書2007年報告」は,食料や繊維の生産と同時に,高水準の環境便益を供 給する農業の潜在的可能性を論じている。こ の報告は,気候変動の緩和,河川流域管理の改善,生物多様性の保護を含む,農業によっ
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    Book (series)
    La situation mondiale de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture 2007
    Payer les agriculteurs pour les services environnementaux
    La situation mondiale de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture 2007 tente de déterminer comment l’agriculture pourrait fournir davantage de services environnementaux, en plus de la production de denrées alimentaires et de fibres. La conclusion qui s’en dégage est que la demande de services environnementaux fournis par le secteur agricole – notamment l’atténuation des effets du changement climatique, l’amélioration de la gestion des bassins versants et la préservation de la diversité biologique – continuera d’augmenter à l’avenir, et qu’il faut par conséquent prendre des mesures incitatives plus adaptées pour encourager les agriculteurs à modifier leurs pratiques agricoles, de sorte que le secteur agricole puisse répondre à cette demande.
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    Policy Brief 8. Payment for environmental services
    Policy Briefs on the management of natural resources and institutional strengthening for disaster risk reduction in the context of climate change
    Also available in:

    Two institutional mechanisms for managing watersheds have been increasingly adopted worldwide: Payments for Environmental Services (PES) and Compensation for Environmental Services (CES). Their adoption is based on the increasing awareness that upstream activities determine the quality and quantity of the environment downstream. Their rationale is the need to provide incentives to help guarantee the provision of these services. The creation of such incentives needs, however, to avoid the risk of transforming them, and water in particular into a commodity, to the point where emerging private rights may be detrimental to the basic rights and livelihood opportunities of the rural populations. On the contrary, these financial schemes could play a leading role in the improvement of livelihoods of upstream smallholders, whenever they attract financial resources for an appropriate management of local watershed resources. In the tropical Andes, for centuries, the farmers have developed their o wn adaptive strategies to climate variability, thus making valuable contributions to the sustainable management of natural resources. Recognizing these contributions, some of these modern financial schemes prefer to be casted as “compensations” instead of “payments”.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    世界食料農業白書 2007年報告
    「世界食料農業白書2007年報告」は,食料や繊維の生産と同時に,高水準の環境便益を供 給する農業の潜在的可能性を論じている。こ の報告は,気候変動の緩和,河川流域管理の改善,生物多様性の保護を含む,農業によっ
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    Book (series)
    La situation mondiale de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture 2007
    Payer les agriculteurs pour les services environnementaux
    La situation mondiale de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture 2007 tente de déterminer comment l’agriculture pourrait fournir davantage de services environnementaux, en plus de la production de denrées alimentaires et de fibres. La conclusion qui s’en dégage est que la demande de services environnementaux fournis par le secteur agricole – notamment l’atténuation des effets du changement climatique, l’amélioration de la gestion des bassins versants et la préservation de la diversité biologique – continuera d’augmenter à l’avenir, et qu’il faut par conséquent prendre des mesures incitatives plus adaptées pour encourager les agriculteurs à modifier leurs pratiques agricoles, de sorte que le secteur agricole puisse répondre à cette demande.
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    Policy Brief 8. Payment for environmental services
    Policy Briefs on the management of natural resources and institutional strengthening for disaster risk reduction in the context of climate change
    Also available in:

    Two institutional mechanisms for managing watersheds have been increasingly adopted worldwide: Payments for Environmental Services (PES) and Compensation for Environmental Services (CES). Their adoption is based on the increasing awareness that upstream activities determine the quality and quantity of the environment downstream. Their rationale is the need to provide incentives to help guarantee the provision of these services. The creation of such incentives needs, however, to avoid the risk of transforming them, and water in particular into a commodity, to the point where emerging private rights may be detrimental to the basic rights and livelihood opportunities of the rural populations. On the contrary, these financial schemes could play a leading role in the improvement of livelihoods of upstream smallholders, whenever they attract financial resources for an appropriate management of local watershed resources. In the tropical Andes, for centuries, the farmers have developed their o wn adaptive strategies to climate variability, thus making valuable contributions to the sustainable management of natural resources. Recognizing these contributions, some of these modern financial schemes prefer to be casted as “compensations” instead of “payments”.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    世界食料農業白書 2007年報告
    「世界食料農業白書2007年報告」は,食料や繊維の生産と同時に,高水準の環境便益を供 給する農業の潜在的可能性を論じている。こ の報告は,気候変動の緩和,河川流域管理の改善,生物多様性の保護を含む,農業によっ
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (series)
    La situation mondiale de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture 2007
    Payer les agriculteurs pour les services environnementaux
    La situation mondiale de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture 2007 tente de déterminer comment l’agriculture pourrait fournir davantage de services environnementaux, en plus de la production de denrées alimentaires et de fibres. La conclusion qui s’en dégage est que la demande de services environnementaux fournis par le secteur agricole – notamment l’atténuation des effets du changement climatique, l’amélioration de la gestion des bassins versants et la préservation de la diversité biologique – continuera d’augmenter à l’avenir, et qu’il faut par conséquent prendre des mesures incitatives plus adaptées pour encourager les agriculteurs à modifier leurs pratiques agricoles, de sorte que le secteur agricole puisse répondre à cette demande.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Policy Brief 8. Payment for environmental services
    Policy Briefs on the management of natural resources and institutional strengthening for disaster risk reduction in the context of climate change
    Also available in:

    Two institutional mechanisms for managing watersheds have been increasingly adopted worldwide: Payments for Environmental Services (PES) and Compensation for Environmental Services (CES). Their adoption is based on the increasing awareness that upstream activities determine the quality and quantity of the environment downstream. Their rationale is the need to provide incentives to help guarantee the provision of these services. The creation of such incentives needs, however, to avoid the risk of transforming them, and water in particular into a commodity, to the point where emerging private rights may be detrimental to the basic rights and livelihood opportunities of the rural populations. On the contrary, these financial schemes could play a leading role in the improvement of livelihoods of upstream smallholders, whenever they attract financial resources for an appropriate management of local watershed resources. In the tropical Andes, for centuries, the farmers have developed their o wn adaptive strategies to climate variability, thus making valuable contributions to the sustainable management of natural resources. Recognizing these contributions, some of these modern financial schemes prefer to be casted as “compensations” instead of “payments”.

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