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Trajectory of forest management to meet climate challenge: Policy formulation in Jharkhand (India)

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    NTFPs as a source of livelihood and climate change mitigation & adaptation: a case study from Jharkhand, India
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    There is an inextricable link between forest resources and livelihood of rural people .The rural people including tribals – Oraon, Munda, Ho, Savar, Santhal, Birhor, Bhumij etc. living around forest area use these non-timber forest produce (NTFP) as their primary source of income, food, nutrition, and medicine. NTFPs may be used for subsistence or for sale, providing cash income and function as an economic buffer in times of hardships. The paper summarizes activities of livelihood based on NTFPs in Jharkhand .They get employment in activities related to NTFPs like plucking of Tendu leaves (Diospyros sps.), rearing of Silk- (Antheraea mylitta Drury) and cultivation of Lac- (Kerria lacca Kerr), making of fancy items from bamboo and cottage industry based on bamboo. Of these NTFPs, Lac and Silk occupy an important place in rural economy. Lac, which is a natural resin secreted by an insect, Kerria lacca (Kerr.), cultivated on host trees like Palas [Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub] and Kusum [Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken] .In Jharkhand mostly Tassar Silk is reared which is produced by a wild silkworm of Antheraea mylitta Drury which feeds primarily on host trees like Asan [Terminalia tomentosa (DC) Wt. &Arn].The paper depicts activities of crafts based on bamboo, embroidery on silk cloth and manufacture of decorative items of Lac and other facets of these NTFPs and their contribution in improving earnings of rural people. The paper also critically examines how NTFPs can be effective tool in climate change mitigation and adaptation especially in REDD+. Hence NTFPs are of importance for food security, livelihood option, poverty eradication and for their role in climate change mitigation and adaption. Government policy in India and Jharkhand related to Join Forest Management, enactment of Forest Right Act 2006, and implementing Forest Working plan Code 2014 by, has brought about radical changes in approach towards management of NTFPs. Keywords: Adaptation, Climate Change, Livelihood, NTFP ID: 3486213
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    Use of traditional knowledge in sustainable forest management and provisioning of ecosystem services in Jharkhand, India
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Before Scientific knowledge on forest management, local and indigenous communities living in and around forests managed forest and associated landscapes managed forests in such a way which conserved forests and ecosystem, sustained their livelihood and culture. The tribals and other rural people residing in and around forest areas of Jharkhand, an eastern state of India, have their own traditional knowledge (TK) which they acquired by experience during sustainable use of natural resources. Hence such knowledge has the potential value for sustainable forest management, biodiversity conservation and provisioning of Ecosystem services. Traditional Knowledge encompasses a profound belief system associated with ecosystem, livelihoods, ethno medicinal practices, use of natural resources etc. and pass from generation to generation through legends, folk stories, folk songs etc. A study was carried out to know trajectories of SFM development and the role of the TK for SFM in Jharkhand, India. The study reflects that these TK are associated with practices like conservation through Sacred Grove, celebrating festivals based on the nature, taboos, social belief and various other practices which have been helpful in SFM. But in the contemporary globalization and commercialization, there is risk of erosion of such TK. Hence their documentation is necessary. Documentation of data related to traditional use of medicinal plants and other NTFPs like Lac, Silk, and Bamboo etc. for livelihood were done involving three major steps. These are – identification of medicinal plants and other NTFPs used for livelihood and other purposes, documentation of traditional uses and traditional knowledge associated with these NTFPs, and finally exploring how TK and scientific knowledge can be harmonized for SFM. Government policy in India and Jharkhand in this regard has brought about radical changes. With the adoption of Resolution related to Join Forest Management, enactment of Forest Right Act 2006, and implementing Forest Working plan Code 2014 by Government, there has been a perceptible change in approach towards assimilation of TK in SFM. The paper also presents how such knowledge and practices can be helpful in provisioning of ecosystem services. Keywords: Ecosystem services, Jharkhand, SFM, TK ID: 3476942
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    Conservation of green blue carbon ecosystem: Local perceptions and awareness on mangrove forest
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Management of blue carbon ecosystems including mangrove and seagrass beds is necessary to reduce the global carbon emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change, in addition to the managements of terrestrial forest ecosystem. The scheme of the REDD+, which is Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation, plus the sustainable management of forests, and the conservation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks, has been used for the managements of different types of forests and related ecosystems. The concepts of REDD+ can be applied for the blue carbon ecosystems. In recent academic literatures, the discussion of the application of REDD+ is increasing, considering the characteristics of the management of blue carbon ecosystems. The management of blue carbon ecosystems need the various stakeholders’ collaboration, because they are in the border of different ecosystems including terrestrial and coastal ones, where different types of livelihoods and industries co-exist. To identify the status of discussions of REDD+ for blue carbon ecosystems, literature review on REDD+ and blue carbon ecosystem management was conducted by using quantitative text mining approaches. Regarding the local perceptions and awareness on mangrove forest, a case study in the Philippines was conducted. In concrete terms, household surveys to the locals in Eastern Samar were implemented to identify their perceptions and awareness. The analysis result can contribute to science-policy interface by providing the following information; resource utilization, level of awareness on ecosystem services and existing management plans, and perceptions on natural and anthropogenic threats. It reveals that social demography and level of awareness of the locals are factors which influence status of utilization of mangrove ecosystem services. Those result can be used as an evidence of policy making and facilitate the application of conservation schemes considering the local context of the study site. Keywords: blue carbon ecosystems; REDD+; perceptions; local stakeholders; conservation ID: 3486787

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