
Principales ressources issues des webinaires techniques de SFS-MED:

Autres ressources:

CIHEAM. 2023. Summary report of the 3rd World Conference on the revitalization of the Mediterranean diet. A change of route towards more sustainable and resilient food systems in Mediterranean countries. Valenzano, Italie, CIHEAM Bari.

CIHEAM. 2019. Summary report of the 2nd World Conference on the revitalization of the Mediterranean diet. Strategies towards more sustainable food systems in the Mediterranean region. Valenzano, Italie, CIHEAM Bari.

FAO. 2021. Accélérer la transformation des systèmes alimentaires en Méditerranée: Note de synthèse. Rome.

FAO, CIHEAM et UpM. 2021. Food systmes transformation – Processes and pathways in the Mediterranean : a stocktaking exercise. Rome, FAO.