Preliminary Pages

List of Maps, Figures, Tables and Boxes


S.1 Dominant land-cover classes

S.2 Mean temperature change, 1961–2020 (°c)

S.3 Reference length of the growing period, 1981–2010

S.4 Global distribution of forests by climate domain, 2020

S.5 Global soil organic carbon, 2019 (tonnes/ha)

S.6 Salt-affected soils, 30–100 cm, 2021

S.7 Land-degradation classes based on severity of 10 human-induced pressures and deteriorating trends, 2015

S.8 Level of water stress of all sectors by major basin, 2018

S.9 Level of water stress due to the agricultural sector by basin, 2018

S.10 Level of water stress in irrigated areas, 2015

S.11 Global regions of concern (global areas susceptible to pesticide pollution)

S.12 Regions at risk based on status and trends of land resources, 2015

S.13 Historical drought frequency on rainfed cropland, 1984–2018

S.14 Land-suitability shifts of rainfed wheat between baseline climate (1981–2010) and the 2080s (ENS-RCP 8.5)

S.15 Multiple cropping zone classes for rainfed agriculture for the 2080s (ENS-RCP 8.5)


S.1 Global forest areas in 2020 and net changes by decade, 1990–2020

S.2 Global agrifood system GHG emissions by life-cycle stage and per capita emissions

S.3 Total factor productivity growth in world agriculture, 1961–2010

S.4 Changes in water stress by geographical region, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2018

S.5 Total annual IRWRs per capita by geographical region, 2000, 2012 and 2018 (m3/capita)

S.6 Total annual water withdrawals per capita by geographical region, 2000, 2012 and 2018 (m3/capita)

S.7 Population distribution according to country threshold water stress, 2000 (left) and 2018 (right)

S.8 Global distribution of farms and farmland by land size class, 2010


S.1 Land-use class change, 2000–2019 (million ha)

S.2 Extent of human-induced land degradation, 2015 (million ha)

S.3 Extent of human-induced land degradation by region, 2015

S.4 Land-degradation classes for global land cover, 2015

S.5 Productive land at risk from land degradation, 2015

S.6 Baseline (2012) and projections (2050) for irrigated harvested areas and incremental evapotranspiration due to irrigation (including evapotranspiration) on irrigated harvested areas under FAO FOFA foresight scenarios

S.7 Absolute and percentage changes of rainfed multiple cropping potentials between baseline climate (1981–2010) and the 2080 climate (ENS-RCP 4.5)


S.1 Global land-degradation assessment using an adapted GLADIS method

S.2 FAO foresight scenarios from a land- and water-use perspective

S.3 Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA)

S.4 Integrated catchment planning and governance for SLM scaling out

S.5 Advances in ICT help smallholder rice farmers to exploit crop diversification