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Poultry sector country review - Egypt

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Poultry sector country review - Republic of Yemen 2008
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    Better understanding of the specific situations of the different poultry sectors and the related market chains will help to develop appropriate control measures and improved biosecurity. It will also help countries that have not been directly affected by the diseases to make necessary preparations. This report describes the structures of the poultry industry in Yemen. It is part of a series of Country Reports that are commissioned by the Animal Production Service (AGAP) of the Food and Agricultu re Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for the Socio-Economics And Policy Working Group of the Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Disease (ECTAD).
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Poultry sector
    The United Republic of Tanzania
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    The poultry sector continues to grow and industrialize in many parts of the world. An increasing human population, greater purchasing power and urbanization have been strong drivers of growth. A clear division is developing between industrialized production systems of large and medium size feeding into integrated value chains, and extensive production systems supporting livelihoods and supplying local or niche markets. The primary role of the former is to supply cheap and safe food to populations often distant from the source of supply, while the latter acts as a livelihood safety net, often as part of a diverse portfolio of income sources. Understanding how poultry production systems and value chains work is essential in order to develop a country’s poultry sector sustainably. This review for Tanzania is part of a series of Livestock Country Reviews developed by FAO's Animal Production and Health Division (AGA). The reviews aim to support sustainable and effective development interventions and policy recommendations and contribute to informed decision-making and investments in the poultry sector by: (i) providing information and data about national poultry supply chains (with a special focus on poultry production); (ii) analysing strengths, weaknesses and prospects along the supply chain; and (iii) identifying opportunities for poultry sector development.
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    Book (series)
    Biosecurity guide for live poultry markets 2015
    Live poultry markets are an important part of the poultry supply chain in many parts of the world. However, the emergence of avian influenza viruses that can cause severe disease in humans which results from working in or visiting contaminated markets means that some long-standing practices are no longer acceptable. This guide has been produced for live poultry market managers and provides practical options for improving the hygiene and biosecurity of their markets. The guide is structured as a series of questions based on real-life situations and problems. It also contains information on appropriate ways to decontaminate markets and the equipment and vehicles that enter markets. It does not provide a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution for markets given that these vary from large wholesale markets with a daily throughput of tens of thousands of poultry to small roadside or village markets that operate once or twice per week. Instead, this guide offers a menu of options that can be used to fi nd cost-effective solutions for any type of market. A shift is already occurring away from live bird sales to centralized slaughter, but while live poultry markets continue to operate it is imperative that those that remain are managed in a way that reduces the risk of infection of poultry and humans with avian influenza viruses. This guide will help market managers to achieve this goal.

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