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Lessons learned from the ASEAN-Korea green partnership in the restoration and sustainable management of degraded forest ecosystems for the Philippines

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    Korea-Indonesia peatland restoration cooperation: Challenges and opportunities to recover degraded peatland ecosystem in Londerang peat protected forest
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Indonesia harbors around 24 million hectares of peatland or approximately 23% of the world’s tropical peat ecosystem. Some of them can be found in Londerang Peat Protected Forest that belongs to Jambi Province which has suffered from the repeated forest and land fires that were recorded both in 2015 and 2019. Several concerns have arisen from this disaster, including the degradation of the peatland ecosystem and wide-ranging socio-economic issues at the regional, national, and international level, and raising concerns from the global society. In response to these issues and to strengthen the international cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Indonesia, both parties established joint cooperation titled “Restoration of Burnt Peatland in Jambi”. The project was carried out through several activities. To maintain the groundwater table, the hydrological function is restored by constructing canal blocking and water table monitoring system. Revegetation is carried out by planting native peatland species with a high survival rate. Ten villages were revitalized in order to improve their socio-economic welfare by encouraging active participation from local communities. In addition, a peatland education center was built to raise public awareness about the significance of the peatland ecosystem. This paper aims to identify the challenges and opportunities of the Korea-Indonesia peatland restoration project in Jambi province. Qualitative descriptive approach was used along with literature study. The result showed that active participation and effective communication between all stakeholders played a huge role in the successful implementation of international forestry cooperation. Keywords: peatland restoration, international cooperation, Korea, Indonesia ID: 3623058
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    Development of criteria and indicators for sustainable mangrove forest management: Experiences in three mangrove ecosystems in the Philippines
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    The Philippines’ coastline measuring about 36,000 km is home to mangroves which play an important role in fisheries, forestry, and wildlife production. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Environment Program defines mangroves as forest that occurs on tidal flats bordering coastal areas and along the mouths of rivers where water is brackish. Through the years, the area of mangrove forests has dwindled due to deforestation and other anthropogenic activities. Thus, the need for their rehabilitation and sustainable management is a very important concern. Recognizing this, the Socio-economic Team of the ASEAN-Korea Environmental Cooperation Project from the Philippines conducted research on the development of a set of Criteria and Indicators (C & I) for sustainable mangrove forest resources management. The C & I for mangroves were adapted from the C & I for Sustainable Forest Resources Management of the Philippines’ Forest Management Bureau. The research involved an assessment of the C & I for their applicability and adaptability to mangrove forests. The C & I covered the following criteria: 1) Enabling conditions for sustainable mangrove forest management, 2) Extent and condition of mangrove forests, 3) Mangrove ecosystem health, 4) Forest production, 5) Biological diversity, 6) Coastal resources protection, and 7) Economic, social, and cultural aspects. These criteria covered 35 indicators. The proposed C & I were field validated through focus group discussion (FGD) with selected members of the people’s organizations in the local communities and key informant interview (KII) with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources personnel. The study was conducted in Padre Burgos, Quezon; Puerto Princesa City, Palawan; and Getafe, Bohol. The results revealed that the FGD and KII respondents perceived the applicability and importance of the C & I in maintaining the sustainability of the mangrove resources in these areas. Keywords: criteria and indicators, mangroves, forest management ID:3485981
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    Managing taxonomic and functional diversity is the key to sustain aboveground biomass and soil microbial diversity: A synthesis from long-term forest restoration of southern China
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Exploring the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationship is one of the central goals of ecological research. Restoration is essential for supporting key ecosystem functions such as aboveground biomass production and managing soil microbial diversity. However, the relative importance of functional versus taxonomic diversity in explaining aboveground biomass and soil microbial diversity during restoration is poorly understood. Here, we used a trait-based approach to test for the importance of multiple plant diversity attributes in regulating aboveground biomass and soil microbial diversity in four 30- years-old restored subtropical forests in southern China. High-throughput Illumina sequencing was applied for detecting fungal and bacterial diversity. We show that both taxonomic and functional diversities are significant and positive regulators of aboveground biomass; however, functional diversity (FD) was more important than taxonomic diversity (TD) in controlling aboveground biomass. FD had the strongest direct effect on aboveground biomass compared with TD, soil properties, and community weighted mean (CWM) traits. Our results further indicate that leaf and root morphological traits and traits related to the nutrient content in plant tissues showed acquisitive resource use strategy which influenced aboveground biomass. In contrast to aboveground biomass, taxonomic diversity explained more of the soil microbial diversity than the FD and soil properties. Prediction of fungal richness was better than that of bacterial richness. In addition, root traits explained more variation of soil microbes than the leaf traits. Our results suggest that both TD and FD play a role in shaping aboveground biomass and soil microbial diversity; but FD is more important in supporting aboveground biomass while TD for belowground microbial diversity. These results imply that enhancing TD and FD is important to restoring and managing degraded forest landscapes. Key words: Biodiversity-Ecosystem functions; soil microbial diversity, taxonomic diversity, functional diversity, forest restoration ID: 3486373

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