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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetFood and Nutrition Security Impact, Resilience, Sustainability and Transformation (FIRST) 2015This brief explains the FIRST programme, an outcome of the partnership between FAO and the EU. The main purpose of the FIRST programme is to strengthen the enabling environment for food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture in selected priority countries/regional organisations. FIRST will primarily focus on the provision of policy assistance and capacity development support at country level. However, support may also be given to regional organizations involved in relevant regional/c ontinental policy processes that have concrete relevance to national FNSSA policies, i.e. because of the inter-country nature of some of the policy issues and/or because of direct involvement of the regional organization in supporting national policy processes.
DocumentEvaluation of the Food and Nutrition Security, Impact, Resilience, Sustainability and Transformation (FIRST) Programme
Project code: GCP/INT/244/EC Management response
2020Also available in:
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Book (series)Evaluation of the Food and Nutrition Security, Impact, Resilience, Sustainability and Transformation (FIRST) Programme
Project code: GCP/INT/244/EC
2020Also available in:
No results found.The FIRST Programme aims to support the governments of targeted countries to strengthen the enabling policy and institutional environment for food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture (FNSSA). The programme is designed as a demand-based “policy assistance” facility which has its roots in the long-term partnership between FAO and the European Union and aims to add value to both partners’ actions at the country level. The programme approach of embedding a policy officer within partner country administrations,constitutes the best option for building trusted relationships to support improved policy processes. FIRST has created a high level of trust with government partners and other key stakeholders, acting as a catalyst, lever and trigger for changes and reforms that generate benefits beyond the scope of European Union/FAO interventions in the concerned countries. FIRST’s approach to capacity strengthening through learning-by-doing and mentoring was effective. The follow-up programme should be designed with a sufficient duration to allow country partners and stakeholders to assess the effectiveness of policy implementation and to draw lessons from a better understanding of successes and failures. This would also allow the FIRST global management team to consolidate (sub) regional and global analyses of lessons learned with the view to inform global governance processes.
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