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Book (stand-alone)Report of the Expert Consultation on Rural Women and Distance Learning: Regional Strategies 2003
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No results found.Rural women in Asia make significant contributions to the agricultural sector, but their access to information and communication technology and current techniques of production still needs to be improved. The Asian region has yet to fully utilize the immense potential of distance learning for agriculture and rural development, particularly among rural women. The above expert consultation, held in Beijing, China from 23 to 26 October 2001, focused on identifying modalities of distance learn ing and open university programmes that could be used for improving the status of rural women. Specifically, the aim was to define a regional strategy that would incorporate partnership linkages among Asian distance learning programmes and institutions to improve rural women’s learning, and promote distance learning approaches to improve technology transfer to strengthen rural women’s competence in farm and household production. The report gives a summary of the presentations and highlights of t he discussions and recommendations. -
Book (stand-alone)Expert meeting on rural information networks in Asia-Pacific: Innovative practices and future directions 2006
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No results found.The past decade has witnessed a dynamic and rapid growth in information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the Asia-Pacific region, bringing enormous benefits to society at large. The challenge, however, is to get relevant information and technologies to the millions of poor living in rural areas. It is here where information and communication technologies can play a useful role in bridging the rural digital divide and empowering rural communities. The goal of this expert meeting was to a dvance knowledge about the use of ICT for agricultural development and rural poverty reduction in Asia and the Pacific by bringing together a cross-section of leading thinkers from organizations and countries active in ICT for rural development. The meeting provided a unique opportunity to exchange the latest information on development trends and provide a means of moving forward from an accumulated body of case studies, through the development of a programme framework, to the validation of mode ls of ICT for agriculture and rural development with the aim of extending the application of successful innovations and innovative practices more widely. These proceedings give an account of the presentations and discussions of the meeting as well as of the recommendations. -
Book (stand-alone)Investing in information and communication technologies to reach gender equality and empower rural women 2019
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No results found.Advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs) have made information available to more people than ever before. These advances have also substantially increased their capacity to connect with each other in a continuously expanding number of ways. Rural women are currently (and have always been) last in line in terms of ICT access and use, even though women stand more to gain than most from active participation and engagement with these resources. Evidence suggests that the ICT sector is both urban- and male-centric, ranging from the design of ICTs to the gender of sector employees and decision-makers. Representation in the media is also predominantly male. The aim of this paper is to bring rural communities, and women and other marginalized groups in particular, back into the centre of conversations on ICTs and ICT4D.
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