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Cash for Work in Iraq

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    Impact evaluation of FAO’s cash-for-work programme in Somalia
    Findings from the baseline survey
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    This report presents the results from the analysis of baseline data collected for the evaluation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)’s cash-for-work programme in Somalia. This programme provides temporary employment opportunities in the maintenance or rehabilitation of public infrastructure. Its primary objective is to offer income support to vulnerable individuals while facilitating the development of essential community assets. To evaluate the impact of the programme, we use a longitudinal, quasi-experimental design study, with one baseline and three follow-up surveys at 12, 24 and 36 months. The evaluation focuses on 14 districts in Somalia, Somaliland and Puntland. Within each district, we selected four treatment villages and four comparison villages. The baseline data collection took place in January/February 2023. We calculate five main programme outcomes as summary indexes: resilience, food security, income and livelihoods, agency, social cohesion. For all of them, we do not detect any statistically significant differences between the two evaluation arms. There are small imbalances between the treatment and comparison groups on three characteristics. The treatment arm reports a larger number of income sources, a larger number of months with members participating in wage labour and greater participation in social networks than the comparison group. These results were expected, since the baseline survey took place around three weeks after the public works activities started, though payments were not made. The analysis of sociodemographic characteristics points to a relatively successful targeting approach. We observe a relatively large share of people of working age and a minor share of elderly people. Households lacking adult members are only 1 percent of the sample. Further, one out of ten households report having a member with a moderate or severe disability.
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    Policy brief
    Cash+ pilot programme in Kyrgyzstan: Improving food security, boosting productivity and diversifying livelihoods 2022
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    There is increased evidence of the positive incremental impacts on food security and nutrition, as well as poverty reduction and other dimensions, when social protection and agriculture policies and programmes are combined. In this context, the Government of Kyrgyzstan is developing and implementing the concept of a “social contract” as an umbrella programmatic framework to provide additional and more intensive support to poor and vulnerable households. Based on the latest available evidence and the specific expertise of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Kyrgyz Government and FAO have collaborated in order to pilot test an approach linking social protection benefits with agricultural support, with the aim of boosting food production, generating income opportunities and improving food security and nutrition.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Rapid assessment and microsimulation of impacts of a Cash+ pilot intervention in Kyrgyzstan 2022
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    This report presents the results of a mixed-method rapid assessment that provides both indicative quantitative information and in-depth qualitative analysis on the household-level impacts of the Cash+ pilot. The assessment focused on the effects of the pilot intervention on dietary diversity, income generation and poverty reduction outcomes as well as household decision-making. To establish the impacts of the pilot, the assessment relied on comparing subjective perceptions of households that participated in the pilot, those receiving only cash transfers but not the pilot, and a sample of other households that did not receive either support (as a comparison group). This was accomplished through a qualitative study and a quantitative study. The rapid assessment was complemented by a microsimulation analysis of potential poverty impacts and implications for food consumption diversity that made use of the Kyrgyz Integrated Household Survey (KIHS) conducted in 2014, which is representative at the national level.

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