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Migration - The key role of agriculture and rural development

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    Migration, agriculture and rural development 2016
    This booklet is directed towards FAO Member States, UN system and all other potential partners, and sheds light on the role that agriculture and rural development and the sustainable management of natural resources can play in curbing migration pressure in rural areas. It also outlines the main entry points where FAO can support international efforts to address global movements of refugees and migrants. Together with its partners, FAO is committed to further strengthening its efforts on migratio n within humanitarian and development contexts, building on its comparative advantage in agriculture and rural development issues.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Migration - Le rôle clé de l’agriculture et du développement rural 2016
    La migration est un phénomène mondial en pleine expansion, la plupart des pays étant à la fois pays d’origine, de transit et de destination pour les migrants.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    The Linkages Between Migration, Agriculture, Food Security and Rural Development
    Technical report
    Also available in:
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    This report examines the complex interlinkages of migration with agriculture, food security and rural development. It does so by taking stock of the literature and the evidence from both developed and developing countries focusing on why people from rural areas decide to migrate. The linkages between migration, agriculture and food security can be direct with rural people migrating because they do not see viable options for overcoming poverty, hunger and malnutrition within their own rural communities. However, migration is complex and caused by several interrelated factors. The linkages between migration, agriculture and food security can often be indirect and realized in different contexts. The report focuses on significant effects on migration that can arise through the interactions of food security with conflict, poverty, shocks and emergencies, environmental degradation and climate change, but also through household strategies to cope with the risk of hunger and malnutrition.

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