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Land use and land cover changes and the link to land degradation, Ethiopia

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    Assessing land use and cover change, forest degradation and secondary forest databases for better understand of airborne CO2 measurements over the Brazilian Amazon
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Tropical forests are essential for ecosystem services provision and for climate change mitigation. Amazon forest, the largest continue tropical forests in the world, have been decreasing due to deforestation and forest degradation. Brazil, a country containing most of the Amazon forests, also presents the highest deforestation rates within the Pan-Amazonian countries. The CARBAM project has been collecting bimonthly CO2 atmospheric measurements from an airplane since 2010 in the Brazilian Amazon, showing that there is a reduction on the forest capacity to absorb carbon for deforestation and climate change patterns. To understand these CO2 fluxes, we need to analyze the land use and cover change processes including forest degradation and secondary forest growth. Our goal is to assess different databases to better understand deforestation, degradation and secondary forest dynamics in the Amazon. For this, we merged different databases for the period 2010-2018: MapBiomas for land use and cover change; PRODES for deforestation; Bullock et al. (2020) for degradation; and Silva et al. (2020) for secondary forest. We found that, from the total accumulated deforested area in 2018 (17% of the Brazilian Amazon), pasture represent 69% fallowed by secondary vegetation 21% and agriculture 8%. The annual deforested area, smaller than secondary vegetation area, is increasing since 2012. Degradation has a different area each year. The carbon uptake by secondary forest and degradation dynamics is underestimated in the national communications of greenhouse gases, and its mapping is extremely relevant to policy makers to accomplish the National Determined Contribution. The large pasture areas deserve attention because it may permit the secondary forest to increase and provide agriculture expansion areas, decreasing in this way the pressure for deforestation and degradation of primary forest and contributing to preserve biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Amazon forests. Keywords: Amazon forests, deforestation, degradation, secondary forests, CO2 emissions ID: 3623188
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    Projection modeling-based geospatial analysis of land use-land cover change at Hasdeo River Watershed, Chhattisgarh, India
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    The land-use change in the Hasdeo River watershed has been observed with all its subwatersheds. The changing patterns may portend localized impairment to forest and agricultural watershed. In this study, Land-use land-cover (LULC) change was modeled using terrset modeling software. The Hasdeo river watershed (geographical extent of 10,396.373 km2) is a part of the Mahanadi River basin in Chhattisgarh, India. Hasdeo River originates from Sonhat (Koriya district, Chhattisgarh, India) and is submerged into the river Mahanadi. It flows in the stretch of 330 km from north to south direction. This river has eight subwatersheds with rich forest diversity and perennial water resources. IRS-1D & P6 LISS3 images from the years 2000 and 2013 were used to investigate the LULC pattern. This has been used for the prediction of LULC change patterns for the years 2035 and 2050 based on the Markov model. The result of the project LULC map for the year 2000-2035 and 2000-2050 shows that the dense forest area will decrease by 12.30% and 15.68% respectively. The settlement area will significantly increase by 20.13% (2035) and 34.90% (2050) and will be the dominant land-use type in the watershed. It shows that population pressure will directly affect forest vegetation and agriculture activities. This study will be helpful for the effective sustainability approach for maintaining the proper LULC pattern of LULC pattern of land-use change in the watershed. This changing pattern will also influence the farming pattern in the catchment area of the Hasdeo River watershed. Keywords: Adaptive and integrated management, Deforestation and forest degradation, Landscape management, Monitoring and data collection, Sustainable forest management ID: 3487496
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    Degradation of the vegetation cover in the White Nile State (Elgetaina Area)
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    The study was carried out in, White Nile State (East of Elgetaina town) during 2004- 2006. The selected site was dominated by Capparis decidua shrubs and Panicum tergidum grasses. The main objectives of the study were to investigate the limitation for natural regeneration of vegetation cover by studying the variation in rainfall amount and distribution, evaluating the soil properties and assessing the soil seed bank. The study aimed to suggest some measures to enhance the natural regeneration of the vegetation cover. The site was divided into four Blocks. Soil samples were taken from each Block, soil seed bank and soil chemical properties were determined. In addition, the vegetation density was estimated for each Block for trees, shrubs and grasses. Satellite imageries were used to monitor the change in the vegetation cover (Land uses and bare area maps). The results showed that the mean annual rainfall and distribution for the period 1987-2005, and soil seed bank has little effect on degradation of vegetation cover in the study area, and that the main cause of vegetation cover degradation is the deteriorated soil properties. The high sodicity/salinity reduced the seeds germination and the infiltration rate of the soil and most of rainfall is lost as runoff. Most of the study area is now bare (no vegetation). The study recommended use of water harvesting methods, soil reclamation with organic and inorganic materials and enrichment of soil seed bank for rehabilitation of the vegetation cover. Key words: soil reclamation, Sodicity, salinity, soil seed bank ID: 3473098

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