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Making Households and Communities more resilient in the Sahel and Horn of Africa

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    Renforcement de la Résilience des Ménages et des Communautés au Sahel et dans la Corne de l'Afrique 2018
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    Recurrent crises have eroded the coping capacities of subsistence farming populations and weakened livelihoods in both the Sahel and the Horn of Africa. With the majority of the population dependent upon farming and pastoral activities, it was imperative to adopt a unified approach, while also addressing issues specific to each area in order to tackle food insecurity and build community and household resilience.
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    Building the Resilience of Communities Against Drought in Namibia -TCP/NAM/3605 2019
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    In 2016, recurrent dry conditions affecting Namibia were exacerbated by one of the worst El Niño episodes on record. This resulted in widespread crop failure during the 2015-2016 agricultural season, with the staple crops, maize and mahangu, attaining below average national yields of 62 percent and 39 percent, respectively. The impact upon the agriculture sector was compounded by water scarcity, increased incidence of disease, high food prices and declining livestock prices. With the loss of livelihoods for 1.5 million subsistence farmers and pastoralists and more than 720 000 people (36 percent of the country’s population) reported to be food insecure, a state of emergency was declared by the country’s President. In response, FAO mobilized resources to continue and expand its technical assistance to the Government of Namibia through resilience-building interventions targeting selected drought-affected communities.
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    Food Security and Humanitarian Implications in West Africa and the Sahel. N°51 - November/December 2013 2013
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    The cereal harvests, which are estimated to be above the five-year average in the Sahel region (+1%) and in the West Africa region (+16%) have spurred a seasonal price decrease in most markets. However, prices remain higher than their five-year averages in the eastern and western trade basins of the region, which affects the purchasing power of many vulnerable households, particularly in Chad, Niger and Ghana. The chronic vulnerability of populations, erosion of livelihoods after recurrent crise s (2008, 2010, and 2012), bad agro-pastoral productions in some areas, floods and other localized shocks ex-plain the food insecurity of 13 million people at the end of 2013, despite average harvests. Moreover, 4.5 million children suffer from acute malnutrition in West Africa and the Sahel region. The regional partners highlight the urgent need of rebuilding national food stocks and the implementation of appropriate responses which fit population needs, particularly those of refugees and food i nsecure households. The decrease in agricultural production in some areas in the Sahel may lead to food and nutrition insecurity, which must be closely monitored.

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