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DocumentRaising community awareness through participatory video and mobile cinema 2014
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Participatory video (PV) is a form of participatory action research which involves a group or a community in the creation of their own educational film as a form of “peer education” for the promotion of exchanges, both amongst themselves and with other communities. The idea behind PV is that making a video being easy and accessible, the process is a great way of bringing people together to explore issues, voice concerns or simply to be creative and engage in informative story telling. -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (stand-alone)Small-scale forest-based processing enterprises 1987
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No results found.Small-scale forest-based processing enterprises comprise an important, but neglected, part of the forestry and forest industries sector. They process a large part of the raw materials from the forest and supply some of the main markets for forest products, in particular in the rural areas of developing countries. Our concern in the work reported on in this publication has been to determine the main features, prospects and problems of such small-scale enterprises and what support could enhance their developmental contribution, and therefore the developmental impact of the forest sector. Many small enterprises are currently unstable, and offer little security or prospect of self-reliance for those engaged in them. These problems need to be tackled by promoting viable enterprises run by rural people through effective participatory organizations which can increase peoples' control over their own economic destiny. External supp ort to increase production and efficiency needs to be compatible with those valuable elements of local culture which still have a role to play in the modern context. -
Book (stand-alone)Institutional strengthening of small-scale fisheries organizations
Training course
2024Also available in:
This training module has been drafted based on the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (hereafter, SSF Guidelines) and the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management Training Manual. This training course on Institutional strengthening of small-scale fisheries organizations is designed as a complete training course for strengthening the capacity of small-scale fisheries organizations and members to support awareness of the SSF Guidelines, community-based resource management and social development of small-scale fisheries communities. It is targeted at small-scale fisheries organizations and local institutions and community small-scale fisheries leaders, facilitators and other stakeholders engaged in the planning and management of small-scale fisheries.This training is designed to be applicable to many small-scale fisheries contexts around the world (including overlapping marine/freshwater fishery systems).
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