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Be inspired, take the challenge and celebrate soils!

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    Book (series)
    Soils Challenge Badge 2014
    The purpose of the United Nations Challenge Badges is to raise awareness, educate and, most of all, motivate young people to change their behaviour and be active agents of change in their local communities. Challenge Badges are appropriate for use with school classes and youth groups, and are endorsed by WAGGGS and WOSM. They include a wide range of activities and ideas that can easily be adapted by teachers or leaders. Additional badges are available or are being developed on a number of other topics, including: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Energy, Forests, Gender, Governance, Hunger, Nutrition, the Ocean, and Water. The Soils Challenge Badge is designed to help educate children and young people about the vital role that soils play in supporting life on Earth. The badge looks at how soils are created, soil uses and how soils are being affected by human and climatic pressures. It includes a wide range of activities and ideas to stimulate learning about soil and how we can better manage soil resources to ensure that we have a sustainable future.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Soil tillage in Africa: needs and challenges 1993
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    Agenda Taking care of soils since 1924: introducing the IUSS Centennial Celebration
    Friday, May 3rd, 2024
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    In 1924 the IUSS, International Union of Soil Sciences, was founded in Rome, inspired by David Lubin. In 2024 the Centennial, will be celebrated in Florence this coming May 19/21, with one-of-a-kind congress.More than 1.500 scientists from all over the world are expected to come, with more than 100 parallel sessions, 1431 abstracts submitted and more than 100 young scientists who applied for the grants.This event, supported by international and Italian Institutions introduces the Centennial Congress, raising awareness on the importance of soil for the life of our planet and on the ever-growing need of soil sciences for effective policies.

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