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Arabic version of FAO. International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas. Rome, FAO. 2009. 22p.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas/Directives internationales sur la gestion de la pêche profonde en haute mer/ Directrices Internacionales para la Ordenación de las Pesquerías de Aguas Profundas en Alta Mar 2009
    These International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheriesin the High Seas were developed through a participatory process involving fisheries experts, fishery managers from governments, the fishing industry,academia and non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations. The guidelines are designed to provide guidance on management factors ranging from an appropriate regulatory framework to the components of a good data collection programme, and include the identification of key management considerations and measures necessary to ensure the conservation of target and non-target species, as well as affected habitats. These guidelines are voluntary and constitute an instrument of reference to help States and RFMO/As in formulating and implementing appropriate measures for the management of deep-sea fisheries in the high seas. Ces Directives internationales sur la gestion de la pêche profonde en haute mer ont été développées au moyen d’un processus participatif qui a impliqué des experts des pêches, des gestionnaires des pêches des gouvernements, l’industrie des pêches, des universités ainsi que des organisations non-gouvernementales et intergouvernementales. Les directives sont conçues pour donner des orientations sur différents aspects de la gestion allant du cadre réglementaire adéquat jusqu’aux composantes d’un bon système de cueillette de données, et elles incluent l’identification des considérations de gestions clés et des mesures nécessaires pour protéger les espèces cibles, les espèces accessoires et les habitats. Les directives sont facultatives et constituent un instrument de référence pour aider les États et les organisations et arrangements régionaux de gestion des pêches à formuler et à mettre en oeuvre des mesures appropriées pour la gestion des pêches profondes en haute mer. Estas Directrices Internacionales para la Ordenación de las Pesquerías de Aguas Profundas en Alta Mar fueron elaboradas a través de un proceso participativo en el que intervinieron expertos en pesquerías,administradores de pesquerías de distintos gobiernos, la industria pesquera, universidades y organizaciones no gubernamentales e intergubernamentales. Las directrices se diseñaron para proporcionar orientación sobre factores de ordenación que abarcan tanto el establecimiento de un marco regulador adecuado como la elaboración de un programa eficaz de recopilación de datos, pasando por la identificación de las consideraciones fundamentales sobre la ordenación y por las medidas que deben adoptarse para garantizar la conservación de las especies que son o no objeto de pesca, así como la de los habitats afectados. Las directrices tienen carácter voluntario y constituyen un instrumento de referencia para ayudar a los Estados y a las organizaciones y los acuerdos regionales de ordenación pesquera en la elaboración y aplicación de las medidas adecuadas para la ordenación de las pesquerías de aguas profundas en alta mar.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    ÇáÎØæØ ÇáÊæÌíåíÉ ÇáØæÚíÉ áÎØØ ÊæËíÞ ÇáãÕíÏ 2018
    The guidelines are elaborated recognizing that all available means in accordance with relevant international law and other international instruments, such as, the International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IPOA-IUU) should be used to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. CDS build on the primary responsibility of the flag state to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing. They also constitute a valuable supplement to port state and other measures. “Catch Documentation Scheme” (CDS), means a system with the primary purpose of helping determine throughout the supply chain whether fish originate from catches taken consistent with applicable national, regional and international conservation and management measures, established in accordance with relevant international obligations. The objective of these Guidelines is to provide assistance to states, regional fisheries management organisations, regional economic integration organizations and other intergovernmental organisations when developing and implementing new CDS, or harmonising or reviewing existing CDS.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Marine species biological data collection manual 2016
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    The purpose of this manual is to provide fishery observers, and in general fishery data collectors, with a detailed description of the procedures required to collect biological data from the most important fishery groups that can be encountered while at sea. It is intended as a complement to the standard observer manuals issued by States and/or Regional Fisheries Management Organizations and Arrangements (RFMO/As) and takes into account the additional requirements regarding vulnerable marine eco systems (VMEs) included in the FAO International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas. The Guidelines provide states and RFMO/As with management guidance ranging from an appropriate regulatory framework to the components of a good data collection programme, and towards a sustainable use of marine living resources exploited by deep-sea fisheries as well as the protection of the affected habitats. States and RFMO/As are asked to develop and implement data collect ion programmes that include the deployment of on–board fishery observers. These are often faced with the difficult task of having to identify not only target species, but also non–target species, including vulnerable ones such as cold water corals, sponges and cartilaginous fishes. The identification of the latter species can be problematic due to a scarce knowledge regarding their occurrence and distribution for many regions and a lack of identification guides specifically designed for use by n on–experts at sea. This tool enables non-specialists to collect samples and take proper photographs, which can be then examined by taxonomic experts on shore and potentially improve the taxonomic resolution of the species in the catch. This manual was prepared under the “FAO Deep–sea Fisheries Programme” with the support of the Governments of Japan and Norway through the projects “Fisheries management and marine conservation within a changing ecosystem context” and “Support to the implementatio n of the International Guidelines on the Management of Deep-Sea Fisheries in the High Seas”.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas/Directives internationales sur la gestion de la pêche profonde en haute mer/ Directrices Internacionales para la Ordenación de las Pesquerías de Aguas Profundas en Alta Mar 2009
    These International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheriesin the High Seas were developed through a participatory process involving fisheries experts, fishery managers from governments, the fishing industry,academia and non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations. The guidelines are designed to provide guidance on management factors ranging from an appropriate regulatory framework to the components of a good data collection programme, and include the identification of key management considerations and measures necessary to ensure the conservation of target and non-target species, as well as affected habitats. These guidelines are voluntary and constitute an instrument of reference to help States and RFMO/As in formulating and implementing appropriate measures for the management of deep-sea fisheries in the high seas. Ces Directives internationales sur la gestion de la pêche profonde en haute mer ont été développées au moyen d’un processus participatif qui a impliqué des experts des pêches, des gestionnaires des pêches des gouvernements, l’industrie des pêches, des universités ainsi que des organisations non-gouvernementales et intergouvernementales. Les directives sont conçues pour donner des orientations sur différents aspects de la gestion allant du cadre réglementaire adéquat jusqu’aux composantes d’un bon système de cueillette de données, et elles incluent l’identification des considérations de gestions clés et des mesures nécessaires pour protéger les espèces cibles, les espèces accessoires et les habitats. Les directives sont facultatives et constituent un instrument de référence pour aider les États et les organisations et arrangements régionaux de gestion des pêches à formuler et à mettre en oeuvre des mesures appropriées pour la gestion des pêches profondes en haute mer. Estas Directrices Internacionales para la Ordenación de las Pesquerías de Aguas Profundas en Alta Mar fueron elaboradas a través de un proceso participativo en el que intervinieron expertos en pesquerías,administradores de pesquerías de distintos gobiernos, la industria pesquera, universidades y organizaciones no gubernamentales e intergubernamentales. Las directrices se diseñaron para proporcionar orientación sobre factores de ordenación que abarcan tanto el establecimiento de un marco regulador adecuado como la elaboración de un programa eficaz de recopilación de datos, pasando por la identificación de las consideraciones fundamentales sobre la ordenación y por las medidas que deben adoptarse para garantizar la conservación de las especies que son o no objeto de pesca, así como la de los habitats afectados. Las directrices tienen carácter voluntario y constituyen un instrumento de referencia para ayudar a los Estados y a las organizaciones y los acuerdos regionales de ordenación pesquera en la elaboración y aplicación de las medidas adecuadas para la ordenación de las pesquerías de aguas profundas en alta mar.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    ÇáÎØæØ ÇáÊæÌíåíÉ ÇáØæÚíÉ áÎØØ ÊæËíÞ ÇáãÕíÏ 2018
    The guidelines are elaborated recognizing that all available means in accordance with relevant international law and other international instruments, such as, the International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IPOA-IUU) should be used to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. CDS build on the primary responsibility of the flag state to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing. They also constitute a valuable supplement to port state and other measures. “Catch Documentation Scheme” (CDS), means a system with the primary purpose of helping determine throughout the supply chain whether fish originate from catches taken consistent with applicable national, regional and international conservation and management measures, established in accordance with relevant international obligations. The objective of these Guidelines is to provide assistance to states, regional fisheries management organisations, regional economic integration organizations and other intergovernmental organisations when developing and implementing new CDS, or harmonising or reviewing existing CDS.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Marine species biological data collection manual 2016
    Also available in:
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    The purpose of this manual is to provide fishery observers, and in general fishery data collectors, with a detailed description of the procedures required to collect biological data from the most important fishery groups that can be encountered while at sea. It is intended as a complement to the standard observer manuals issued by States and/or Regional Fisheries Management Organizations and Arrangements (RFMO/As) and takes into account the additional requirements regarding vulnerable marine eco systems (VMEs) included in the FAO International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas. The Guidelines provide states and RFMO/As with management guidance ranging from an appropriate regulatory framework to the components of a good data collection programme, and towards a sustainable use of marine living resources exploited by deep-sea fisheries as well as the protection of the affected habitats. States and RFMO/As are asked to develop and implement data collect ion programmes that include the deployment of on–board fishery observers. These are often faced with the difficult task of having to identify not only target species, but also non–target species, including vulnerable ones such as cold water corals, sponges and cartilaginous fishes. The identification of the latter species can be problematic due to a scarce knowledge regarding their occurrence and distribution for many regions and a lack of identification guides specifically designed for use by n on–experts at sea. This tool enables non-specialists to collect samples and take proper photographs, which can be then examined by taxonomic experts on shore and potentially improve the taxonomic resolution of the species in the catch. This manual was prepared under the “FAO Deep–sea Fisheries Programme” with the support of the Governments of Japan and Norway through the projects “Fisheries management and marine conservation within a changing ecosystem context” and “Support to the implementatio n of the International Guidelines on the Management of Deep-Sea Fisheries in the High Seas”.

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