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    Book (stand-alone)
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    Developments in national healthy and sustainable dietary guidelines: a state of play assessment
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    Our food system and consumption practices have, since prehistoric times, shaped and transformed our world and our societies. There have been enormous advances - in agricultural practice and in systems of storage, distribution and retailing – that have enabled population growth and improved diets for many. But these developments have also carried severe costs. While the tools and actions needed to achieve the necessary changes in diets are many, this report specifically considers the role of national level dietary guidelines in providing a steer on what dietary patterns that are both healthy and sustainable look like.
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    Living well with HIV/AIDS
    A manual on nutritional care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS
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    Meeting immediate food, nutrition and other basic needs is essential if HIV/AIDS-affected households are to live with dignity and security. Providing nutritional care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS is an important part of caring at all stages of the disease. This manual provides home care agents and local service providers with practical recommendations for a healthy and well balanced diet for people living with HIV/AIDS.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Report of the regional expert consultation of the Asia-Pacific Network for Food and Nutrition on reviewing implementation of National Food Based Dietary Guidelines 2001
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    An account of the consultation at the FAO regional office in Bangkok from 20 to 23 November 2001, which was attended by representatives of Bangladesh, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vanuatu and Viet Nam. The experts reviewed progress by countries in the region toward implementing food based dietary guidelines to assist in the choice of the right kind and right amount of food by people in Asia-Pacific countries. The past two decades have seen a size able increase in food production and consumption in the region, but the average diet still lacks dietary diversity, giving rise to micronutrient malnutrition and widespread protein energy malnutrition. The publication includes country presentations at the session and the recommendations that emerged from it for national action and to guide FAO's future work in this field. It also includes a section on the implementation of FAO's unique nutrition education endeavour - Feeding Minds, Fighting Hung er, a partnership of schools, governments, inter-governmental organizations, nutrition experts and non-governmental organizations.

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