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Passport to Mainstreaming a Gender Perspective in Emergency Programmes

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Passport to Mainstreaming a Gender Perspective in Emergency Programmes
    Key Analytical Questions for Designing - Gender-Sensitive Humanitarian Interventions
    The purpose of these guidelines is to support humanitarian agencies in mainstreaming a gender perspective in the planning and implementation of emergency programmes through a participatory approach. This involves assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels.
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    Gender and youth inclusion strategy and action plan: mainstreaming gender perspectives and youth inclusion in the cocoa, vanilla and fisheries value chains
    Support to Rural Entrepreneurship, Investment and Trade in Papua New Guinea (EU-STREIT PNG)
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    This document presents in detail the rationale and analysise of current general context in Papua New Guinea that based on, the FAO-led EU-STREIT PNG Programme developd its the Gender and Youth Inclusion Strategy. The document also explians the porpuse, goals, target groups and programmetic approach adopted by this FAO-led Programme in Ppaua New Guinea to assess and examine the women and youth situations, involvment and restrictions along all nodes of three cocoa, vanilla and fisheries vlaue chains in the country. It also presenst the Programme's recommendations on how to 1) mainstream gender perspective as detrimants of quality, 2) confront gender differences in labour dynamics, 3) improve gender sensitivity of key support services, and 4) address systemic barriers affecting value chain performances. This Publications also shares in details the crafted acion plan to progress towards the mentioned goals.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Mainstreaming Gender in Fisheries and Aquaculture
    Final report
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    International organizations have spearheaded initiatives to increase the focus on gender issues. FAO’s The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2012 highlighted gender mainstreaming as a key issue facing the sector. These developments led the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department to decide to review its progress in advancing gender equality in fisheries and aquaculture development and to assess the extent to which policies, researches and action projects are oriented towards gender equali ty and women’s empowerment. With this aim, it conducted a stock-taking and planning exercise on mainstreaming gender in fisheries and aquaculture. The exercise identified challenges and gaps in the Department’s programmes and projects, becoming the basis for an action plan to achieve ten goals: formulating a gender mainstreaming strategy; improving the gender awareness and mainstreaming capacity of senior managers and staff; increasing attention on the persistent data and knowledge gap on gender in fisheries and aquaculture; bridging the gap between the relatively strong attention on gender in policy responses and the much weaker integration of gender analysis and perspectives; creating opportunities for regular sharing of information on gender activities; strengthening the focus on gender equality; improving the gender equality framework; strengthening the social science and gender expertise at all levels; strengthening management accountability for, and leadership in, promoting gende r equality and gender mainstreaming; and pursuing compliance and tracking on the Department’s contribution to achieving FAO’s gender equality objectives. This initiative provides the Department’s management with guidance upon

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