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Hatchery culture of bivalves - A practical manual (chinese version)

Helm, M.M.; Bourne, N.; Lovatelli, A. (comp./ed.) Hatchery culture of bivalves. A practical manual. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 471. Rome, FAO. 2004. 177p.

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    Book (series)
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    The hatchery culture of bivalves: a practical manual 2004
    Bivalve mollusc culture is an important and rapidly expanding sector of world aquaculture production, representing approximately 20% of this output at 14 million tonnes in 2000. The majority of production is from natural populations although increasingly stocks are approaching or have exceeded maximum sustainable yields. Enhancement of stocks through the capture and relaying of natural seed in both extensive and intensive forms of culture is common practice worldwide but the reliability of natur al recruitment can never be guaranteed and conflicts over the use of the coastal zone are becoming ever more pressing. A solution to meeting the seed requirements of the bivalve industry, applicable to the production of high unit value species such as clams, oysters and scallops, is hatchery culture. The production of seed through hatchery propagation accounts at the present time for only a small percentage of the total seed requirement but it is likely to become increasingly important as work continues to produce genetically selected strains with desirable characteristics suited to particular conditions. The advent of bivalve hatcheries was in the 1960s in Europe and the U.S. Since those early pioneering days knowledge of the biological requirements of the various species that predominate in worldwide aquaculture production and the technology by which to produce them has and continues to improve. This manual brings together the current state of knowledge in describing the v arious aspects of hatchery culture and production from acquisition of broodstock to the stage at which the seed are of sufficient size to transfer to sea-based growout. Focus is on intensive methodology in purpose built hatchery facilities rather than on more extensive methods of seed production in land-based pond systems. This manual is not intended as a scientific treatise on the subject. Rather, it is practical in nature providing the reader with an insight into what is required in the w ay of resources and details of how to handle and manage the various life history stages of bivalves in the hatchery production cycle.
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    Book (series)
    双壳贝类净化:基础知识与实践 2009
    近年来,全球贝类生产和消费增长显著,野生捕捞和水产养殖的贝类总量从1999 年的大约1070万吨增长到2006年的1400万吨(FAO渔业统计数据)。同时,空运、海 运以及保存技术的发展使得世界上不同地区的消费者可以品尝到产于遥远海域的贝类。 这些分销和贸易的发展反过来又对消费者保护提出了新的挑战,尤其是由致病性微生 物导致的贝类安全问题。一些贝类更适于生鲜食用(例如牡蛎)或者稍加烹制即食用 (例如贻贝),这就使他们成为高风险的食品种类,因此需要专门的控制措施将可能 存在的生物、化学和物理危害降低到可接受水平。本文献旨在提供一个与贝类消费相 关公共健康问题的基本介绍,并且为如何设计、建立和运营一个净化中心和与其相关 的净化系统提供指导。本手册的读者对象主要是:新的或经验有限的贝类从业人员, 还有涉及水产和公共卫生的官员等。这对于一些发展中国家尤为重要,这些国家为了 赢得更大的贝类国际市场份额,其贝类产业急速扩张。
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    Book (series)
    Also available in:

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    Book (series)
    The hatchery culture of bivalves: a practical manual 2004
    Bivalve mollusc culture is an important and rapidly expanding sector of world aquaculture production, representing approximately 20% of this output at 14 million tonnes in 2000. The majority of production is from natural populations although increasingly stocks are approaching or have exceeded maximum sustainable yields. Enhancement of stocks through the capture and relaying of natural seed in both extensive and intensive forms of culture is common practice worldwide but the reliability of natur al recruitment can never be guaranteed and conflicts over the use of the coastal zone are becoming ever more pressing. A solution to meeting the seed requirements of the bivalve industry, applicable to the production of high unit value species such as clams, oysters and scallops, is hatchery culture. The production of seed through hatchery propagation accounts at the present time for only a small percentage of the total seed requirement but it is likely to become increasingly important as work continues to produce genetically selected strains with desirable characteristics suited to particular conditions. The advent of bivalve hatcheries was in the 1960s in Europe and the U.S. Since those early pioneering days knowledge of the biological requirements of the various species that predominate in worldwide aquaculture production and the technology by which to produce them has and continues to improve. This manual brings together the current state of knowledge in describing the v arious aspects of hatchery culture and production from acquisition of broodstock to the stage at which the seed are of sufficient size to transfer to sea-based growout. Focus is on intensive methodology in purpose built hatchery facilities rather than on more extensive methods of seed production in land-based pond systems. This manual is not intended as a scientific treatise on the subject. Rather, it is practical in nature providing the reader with an insight into what is required in the w ay of resources and details of how to handle and manage the various life history stages of bivalves in the hatchery production cycle.
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    Book (series)
    双壳贝类净化:基础知识与实践 2009
    近年来,全球贝类生产和消费增长显著,野生捕捞和水产养殖的贝类总量从1999 年的大约1070万吨增长到2006年的1400万吨(FAO渔业统计数据)。同时,空运、海 运以及保存技术的发展使得世界上不同地区的消费者可以品尝到产于遥远海域的贝类。 这些分销和贸易的发展反过来又对消费者保护提出了新的挑战,尤其是由致病性微生 物导致的贝类安全问题。一些贝类更适于生鲜食用(例如牡蛎)或者稍加烹制即食用 (例如贻贝),这就使他们成为高风险的食品种类,因此需要专门的控制措施将可能 存在的生物、化学和物理危害降低到可接受水平。本文献旨在提供一个与贝类消费相 关公共健康问题的基本介绍,并且为如何设计、建立和运营一个净化中心和与其相关 的净化系统提供指导。本手册的读者对象主要是:新的或经验有限的贝类从业人员, 还有涉及水产和公共卫生的官员等。这对于一些发展中国家尤为重要,这些国家为了 赢得更大的贝类国际市场份额,其贝类产业急速扩张。

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