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World Food Safety Day 2021

Overview of festivity and creativity

Last updated date 14/10/2021, see corrigendum

FAO and WHO. 2021. World Food Safety Day 2021 – An overview of festivity and creativity. Rome.

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    This year over 500 events were organized in at least 139 countries. Many of those were technical conferences and discussions organized by governments, the private sector and students to discuss how standards help to keep food safe. There were also walks, runs, gymnastics and dance, as well as songs, poster competitions, art exhibitions and lots more. Given the media and social media coverage of these events, World Food Safety Day is clearly sparking imaginations and making headway in its mission to raise awareness about tackling what is a largely preventable problem. World Food Safety Day aims to galvanize action to help prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks. This in turn will contribute to food security, human health, economic prosperity, agriculture, market access, tourism and sustainable development. Read this report for a summary of events and learn more by visiting the World Food Safety Day website or the FAO, WHO and Codex Alimentarius websites.
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