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Performance-based training for smallholder producers in Ukraine

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    An online mentoring service for small-scale livestock farmers in Benin
    Good practice series - Digital agriculture
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    An online advisory and problem-solving service is helping livestock farmers to overcome challenges and increase production in Benin and other parts of West Africa. The private service grew out of a blog written by Louis Agbokou, who works as livestock advisor at a government agricultural agency in Benin. During on- site visits to farms in the districts that he covered, the livestock engineer became increasingly convinced of the need for wider-ranging technical assistance, to be delivered remotely. The online service that he developed has proved effective in troubleshooting a range of livestock farmers’ problems. Advice is delivered via social media channels, as well as through email communication. The service has proved particularly popular with younger farmers, and is provided on a fee-paying basis, while the blog can be accessed free of charge. The initiative shows that even small-scale ICT-based agricultural solutions can be effective, using basic digital tools and resources. The practice is particularly relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic, when people are being urged to limit travel and face-to-face encounters.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    A manifesto to ensure a voice for farmers in Uganda
    Good practice series - Advocacy
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    This good practice fact sheet describes an initiative to canvas the views and demands of Uganda’s smallholder farmers on measures required to boost the country’s agricultural performance as a driver of both the national economy and for raising incomes among agricultural value chain players. The creation of a Farmers’ Manifesto, and its presentation to political parties in the run-up to a general election, may be an experience relevant to other developing nations as an advocacy process, where agriculture plays an important role in generating gross domestic product (GDP), but receives insufficient funding and attention for it to achieve its full potential.
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    Strengthening smallholder producers' skills and market access
    Productive Alliance Programme in Chile
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    This case study report was written as a part of the Agriculture Human Capital Investment Study, funded by FAO Investment Centre and with the support of the International Food Policy Research Institute and the CGIAR Research Programme on Policies, Institutions and Markets (PIM) and the FAO Research and Extension Unit. This study analyses the impact of Chile´s Productive Alliance Programme (PAP) in terms of human capital development among small farmers. The programme, originally created in 2007 and serving now close to 3,600 small farmers in Chile, enhances the creation of commercial partnerships between these small farmers and larger companies, and funds and facilitates the conditions for the acquisition of skills and human capital among them to ensure its success.

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