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Report of the Expert Consultation on Interactions between Sea Turtles and Fisheries within an Ecosystem Context. Rome, Italy, 9-12 March 2004

FAO. Report of the Expert Consultation on Interactions between Sea Turtles and Fisheries within an Ecosystem Context. Rome, Italy, 9-12 March 2004.FAO Fisheries Report. No. 738. Rome, FAO. 2004. 37p.

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    Book (series)
    Papers presented at the Expert Consultation on Interactions between Sea Turtles and Fisheries within an Ecosystem Context. Rome, Italy, 9-12 March 2004 2004
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    An Expert Consultation on Interactions between Sea Turtles and Fisheries within an Ecosystem Context was convened by FAO and held in Rome, Italy, from 9 to 12 March 2004. The meeting was attended by 11 experts from seven countries, covering expertise related to sea turtle biology and conservation, fishing gear technology, fisheries management and socio-economics. The Expert Consultation was organized to provide technical input to the Technical Consultation to take place in Bangkok, T hailand, later in 2004, as agreed at the twenty-fifth session of the Committee on Fisheries, held in Rome, Italy, from 24 to 28 February 2003. This document includes all the contributions prepared by the participating experts as background information to the Expert Consultation. The first four papers provide an overview of available information on biology, distribution and main sources of natural and man-induced sea turtle mortality for the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans and the Mediterranean Sea, respectively. Gear technology developments to reduce impacts on sea turtles are reviewed in papers 5 to 7. Special emphasis is given to the Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) and mitigation measures in pelagic longline fishing. Management experiences in reducing sea turtle bycatch in coastal fisheries, including implementation of technology standards and area/time closures, are covered by paper 8. Examples of conservation efforts aimed at preserving nesting beach hab itats and at preventing direct take of sea turtles and their eggs are presented for two locations in Indonesia (paper 9). The examples show the importance of community empowerment in the implementation of conservation measures. Finally, paper 10 describes an important case study from the State of Orissa (India).
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    Book (series)
    Rapport de la Consultation d’experts sur les interactions entre les tortues de mer et les pêches dans le contexte de l’écosystème. Rome, Italie, 9-12 mars 2004 2004
    Une Consultation d’experts sur les interactions entre les tortues de mer et les pêches dans le contexte de l’écosystème a été organisée par la FAO à Rome (Italie), du 9 au 12 mars 2004. Y ont participé 11 experts de sept pays, dont les domaines d’expertise incluaient la biologie et la conservation des tortues de mer, la technologie des engins de pêche, la gestion des pêches et les aspects socioéconomiques. La Consultation d’experts a été convoquée dans le but de donner des avis techniques à la C onsultation technique qui doit avoir lieu à Bangkok (Thaïlande) au second semestre de 2004, comme en a décidé le Comité des pêches à sa vingt-cinquième session, qui s’est tenue à Rome (Italie) du 24 au 28 février 2003. Ce document d’information résume les travaux et les conclusions de la Consultation d’experts, fait le point sur l’état des tortues de mer, les effets de la pêche, les options en matière de gestion et les aspects socioéconomiques de la question et formule des recommandations en vue des travaux et interventions futurs.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Guidelines to reduce sea turtle mortality in fishing operations. 2009
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    Sea turtles are affected by a range of different factors, some natural and others caused by human activities, including fishing operations. As a result, all sea turtle species whose conservation status has been assessed are considered to be threatened or endangered. These guidelines provide assistance for the preparation of national or multilateral fisheries management measures and industry initiatives that may help to conserve sea turtles by reducing the negative impacts that fisher ies may have on them. The guidelines are voluntary and nonbinding. Their scope is global, but when they are implemented, national and regional diversity, including cultural and socio-economic differences, should be taken into account. These guidelines present our best understanding of how to reduce interactions between sea turtles and fishing gear and reduce the proportion of caught turtles that are killed as a result of interactions with marine capture fisheries. They include inform ation about how to change fishing gear and fishing methods and how the fishing industry can adopt voluntary approaches to reduce sea turtle mortality. The guidelines make suggestions about implementing management actions, such as input and output controls and bycatch fees and they cover subjects such as bycatch hotspot avoidance, best practices for the handling and release of caught turtles and reducing derelict fishing gear and other marine debris. They also identify fisheries and a reas where fishing may be a relatively important cause of sea turtle deaths. Research, monitoring, information exchange, capacity-building, financial support, socio-economic, cultural and legal aspects are also discussed.

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