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Guide méthodologique des interventions dans la communication sociale en nutrition

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Social communication in nutrition: a methodology for intervention 2000
    Nutrition education is an essential factor for the improvement of the nutritional status and people's wellbeing. The International Conference on Nutrition (ICN), jointly organized by FAO and WHO in December 1992 with the participation of 159 countries has again recommended nutrition education as a priority. This Guide is written as a methodological and practical tool for the promotion and development of nutrition education particularly in developing countries.The Guide was prepared by Michel Andrien, a nutrition education specialist, jointly with two FAO divisions, the Food Policy and Nutrition Division, Nutrition Programmes Service, and the Information Division, Development Support Communication Branch. This collaboration has proved to be invaluable for the development of this Guide and enunciated the fact that in the field of nutrition education the role of nutritionists and communicators are not only complimentary but cannot be separated.The contribution of many researchers and field workers in nutrition education in developing countries has been valuable in building the methodology suggested in the book. We would particularly like to mention the Nutrition Education Network in Africa for their contribution and the meeting of experts on nutrition education held in FAO in 1991 for their recommendations. Also a number of practical experiences in nutrition education carried out throughout the world have allowed us to illustrate the guide with concrete examples. The Guide is aimed at all those involved in planning and implementation of activities of nutrition education and communication.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Guide de nutrition familiale 2004
    Le Guide de nutrition familiale est un guide pratique qui vise à améliorer l’alimentation et la nutrition des familles dans les pays en développement. Il s’adresse avant tout au personnel de santé, aux nutritionnistes, vulgarisateurs agricoles et autres agents de développement qui élaborent du matériel ou organisent des activités d’éducation nutritionnelle, et travaillent avec la population au niveau d e la communauté. Il devrait aussi servir utilement aux mères et autres personnes chargées de soins qui souhaitent en savoir davantage sur l’alimentation de la famille, de même qu’à toute personne chargée de la formation du personnel de santé et d’autres agents communautaires.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Social communication in nutrition: a methodology for intervention 2000
    Nutrition education is an essential factor for the improvement of the nutritional status and people's wellbeing. The International Conference on Nutrition (ICN), jointly organized by FAO and WHO in December 1992 with the participation of 159 countries has again recommended nutrition education as a priority. This Guide is written as a methodological and practical tool for the promotion and development of nutrition education particularly in developing countries.The Guide was prepared by Michel Andrien, a nutrition education specialist, jointly with two FAO divisions, the Food Policy and Nutrition Division, Nutrition Programmes Service, and the Information Division, Development Support Communication Branch. This collaboration has proved to be invaluable for the development of this Guide and enunciated the fact that in the field of nutrition education the role of nutritionists and communicators are not only complimentary but cannot be separated.The contribution of many researchers and field workers in nutrition education in developing countries has been valuable in building the methodology suggested in the book. We would particularly like to mention the Nutrition Education Network in Africa for their contribution and the meeting of experts on nutrition education held in FAO in 1991 for their recommendations. Also a number of practical experiences in nutrition education carried out throughout the world have allowed us to illustrate the guide with concrete examples. The Guide is aimed at all those involved in planning and implementation of activities of nutrition education and communication.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Guide de nutrition familiale 2004
    Le Guide de nutrition familiale est un guide pratique qui vise à améliorer l’alimentation et la nutrition des familles dans les pays en développement. Il s’adresse avant tout au personnel de santé, aux nutritionnistes, vulgarisateurs agricoles et autres agents de développement qui élaborent du matériel ou organisent des activités d’éducation nutritionnelle, et travaillent avec la population au niveau d e la communauté. Il devrait aussi servir utilement aux mères et autres personnes chargées de soins qui souhaitent en savoir davantage sur l’alimentation de la famille, de même qu’à toute personne chargée de la formation du personnel de santé et d’autres agents communautaires.
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