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Book (series)公海深海渔业管理国际准则 2009
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《公海深海渔业管理国际准则》的编纂工作是一个参与性进程,涉及的 人员包括来自各国政府、捕捞业、学术单位、非政府组织和政府间组织的渔 业专家和渔业管理人员。这些自愿性的准则是一个参考工具,旨在帮助各国 和区域渔业管理组织/安排制定并实施适当的公海深海渔业管理措施。 -
Book (series)ÓæÒµ²¹ÌùµÄʶ±ð¡¢ÆÀ¹ÀºÍ±¨¸æר¼Ò×Éѯ±¨¸æ 2002Äê12ÔÂ3-6ÈÕ£¬ÂÞÂí 2002The Expert Consultation on Identifying, Assessing and Reporting on Subsidies in the Fishing Industry met at FAO Headquarters for four days starting 3 December 2002. The consultation reviewed an FAO guide for identifying, assessing and reporting on subsidies and concluded that with minor modifications the guide is ready for use. It recommended that FAO support Members in undertaking studies based on the guide. The experts considered it important that available methodologies be used to assess impa cts flowing from actions taken by recipient of subsidies on environment, trade, economic growth and social conditions. The consultation concluded that FAO should promote the development and use of appropriate models for the evaluation of impacts of subsidies through actual case studies.
Book (series)Report of the Technical Consultation on International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas. Rome, 4-8 February and 25-29 August 2008. / Rapport de la Consultation technique sur les Directives internationales sur la gestion de la pêche profonde en haute mer. Rome, 4-8 février et 25-29 août 2008. / Informe de la Consulta Técnica sobre las Directrices Internacionales para la Ordenación de las Pesquerías de Aguas Profundas en Alta Mar. Roma, 4-8 febrero y 25-29 agosto de 2008. 2009This is the report of the Technical Consultation on International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas held in Rome in two sessions (4¿8 February and 25¿29 August 2008). The aim of the Consultation was to review the draft International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas which had been developed at the request of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Committee on Fisheries at its twenty-seventh ses sion (March 2007) in order to assist States and regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements in sustainably managing deep-sea fisheries and in implementing the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 61/105 chapter 10, concerning responsible fisheries in the marine ecosystem. This document contains the report of the Technical Consultation as well as the International Guidelines as adopted by the meeting.
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