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DocumentFPMA Bulletin #3, 10 April 2017
Monthly Report on Food Price Trends
2017International wheat export prices followed diverging trends in March depending on the origin. The benchmark US wheat price declined after increasing in the previous two months, mainly reflecting improved weather conditions in key-growing areas. By contrast, in Argentina, prices increased because of strong demand. Maize export prices generally declined under pressure from favourable production prospects in Southern Hemisphere countries. International prices of rice remained relatively stable and were below their year-earlier levels in several leading origins. In East Africa, cereal prices continued to increase at a fast pace in March and reached record or near-record highs in most countries due to overall tight supplies and the uncertain prospects for the upcoming 2017 main harvests. High prices of cereals and low livestock prices further deteriorated the terms of trade for pastoralists, severely constraining their access to food. In Southern Africa, expectations of a strong maize produ ction rebound in 2017 contributed to push down prices in most countries. In the key subregional producer and exporter South Africa, prices of white maize fell by nearly 30 percent in March, continuing the declining trend of the previous two months and were less than half their year-earlier levels. -
Journal, magazine, bulletinFPMA Bulletin #1. 10 February 2016
Monthly Report on Food Price Trends
2016Abundant supplies and strong export competition kept international grain prices low, with quotations of wheat and maize in January averaging well below their year-earlier levels. International rice prices followed mixed trends depending on the origin. In Southern Africa, maize prices increased sharply in Malawi and South Africa, and also strengthened in Zambia, reaching record highs in all three countries in January. This mostly reflects expectations of a steep reduction of the 2016 maize harves ts due to drought conditions on top of the already tight domestic market supplies. Weaker currencies in the subregion exacerbated the price increases. In South America, cereal prices remained under upward pressure in January and at high levels in several countries, mainly due to the depreciation of the national currencies. In Argentina and Brazil, domestic prices of yellow maize were at record highs, well above their values in January last year. -
Book (series)FPMA Bulletin #2. 10 March 2016
Monthly Report on Food Price Trends
2016International wheat prices declined in February as a result of reduced trade activity, while maize quotations were firmer on stronger demand. International prices of rice followed mixed trends depending on the origin. Overall, cereal quotations remained lower than in the corresponding period last year. In Southern Africa, maize prices continued to increase in February, although at a slower rate, and were at record highs. Prices increased also in several East African countries, reaching levels w ell above those of a year earlier, mainly supported by reduced domestic availabilities. In West Africa, coarse grain prices rose steeply in Nigeria in January. In South America, cereal prices in February increased sharply in several countries of the subregion. Most notably, prices were at record highs or well above those of a year earlier in Argentina, Brazil and Colombia mainly due to the depreciation of the national currencies.
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