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FAO's position on the use of pesticides to combat fall armyworm

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    FAW Guidance Note 1 - Reduction of human health and the environmental risks of pesticides used for control of Fall Armyworm 2018
    This guidance note provides information on avoiding the use of highly harzardous pesticides (HHPs), which HHPs have been used to combat Fall Armyworm, and alternatives to the use of HHPs, such as biopesticides to manage Fall Armyworm.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Regional Workshop on Fall Armyworm Management in Near East and North Africa Region
    Cairo, Egypt 3-4 October, 2022
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    Integrated pest management (IPM) steps have been implemented as a part of the FAO project Emergency preparedness and response to strengthen the capacities of NENA countries to mitigate the risk of Fall Armyworm (FAW) in the region TCP/RAB/3803. Four demonstration fields were designed in each Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Palestine to apply the biorational insecticides proposed by FAO in the inception workshop. At the early stages of the corn crop growth in the interval between 10-45 days after seeding, we suggested monitoring the fall armyworm by using pheromone traps. Once 3-5 males captured the first bioinsecticide Bacillus thuringiensis applied to the early plant stage (10-25 days after emergence) followed by Emamectin benzoate and Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) Lufenuron or any registered similar product. The same products plus Indoxacarb could be applied and interchanged are possible. Yield results were calculated and compared with the farmer fields following the conventional insecticides as a control. Following the 6 IPM steps farmers, facilitators, and technicians easily achieved very significant results when used with good agricultural practices by farmers. Avoiding using insecticides in the maturity stage was a substantial message to the farmers and also applying entomopathogenic fungi and natural enemies when available.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Manual on integrated fall armyworm management 2020
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    This manual is completed guide for maize farmers to fight fall armyworm (FAW). It composed of the updated information to manage FAW in the fields including identification of FAW, importance of FAW scouting and monitoring and how to do systematic scouting in the fields, roles of beneficial insects, low cost and affordable cultural practices, recommended insecticides by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and safe uses of pesticides. It is dedicated to FAW infested maize farmers and extension personnel from Department of Agriculture, Myanmar.

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