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Foot and mouth disease vaccination and post-vaccination monitoring

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Veterinary vaccines: principles and applications 2022
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    Provides a concise and authoritative reference on the use of vaccines against diseases of livestock. Compiled by Senior Animal Health Officers at The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and with contributions from international leading experts, Veterinary Vaccines: Principles and Applications is a concise and authoritative reference featuring easily readable reviews of the latest research in vaccinology and vaccine immune response to pathogens of major economic impact to livestock. It covers advice and recommendations for vaccine production, quality control, and effective vaccination schemes including vaccine selection, specifications, vaccination programs, vaccine handling in the field, application, failures, and assessment of herd protection. In addition, the book presents discussions on the current status and potential future developments of vaccines and vaccination against selected transboundary animal diseases.
    • Provides a clear and comprehensive guide on using veterinary vaccines to protect livestock from diseases
    • Teaches the principles of vaccinology and vaccine immune response
    • Highlights the vaccine production schemes and standards for quality control testing
    • Offers easy-to-read reviews of the most current research on the subject
    • Gives readers advice and recommendations on which vaccination schemes are most effective
    • Discusses the today’s state of vaccines and vaccination against selected transboundary animal diseases as well as possible future developments in the field
    Veterinary Vaccines: Principles and Applications is an important resource for veterinary practitioners, animal health department officials, vaccine scientists, and veterinary students. It will also be of interest to professional associations and NGO active in livestock industry.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Oral vaccination of dogs against rabies
    Recommendations for field application and integration into dog rabies control programmes
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    This technical report replaces or supersedes issue-related contents in previous WHO foundational documents on oral rabies vaccination (ORV) of dogs. In contrast to the 2007 WHO recommendations, this report will shift focus from the development of suitable vaccines and baits for dogs towards providing guidance for practical implementation of ORV as a tool integrated into national strategies to control rabies in dog populations. This report therefore mainly addresses basic regulatory considerations for licensing and selection of appropriate oral vaccine candidates, logistics, distribution strategies in the field, communication, activities to be implemented in relation to ORV campaigns, and monitoring of campaigns. It should be emphasized that it is impossible to establish a universally valid and applicable blueprint for the integration of ORV into national strategies for the control of canine rabies. This is not least due to country-specific circumstances, including sociocultural aspects, epidemiological situations, local dog population structures, funding, and available resources. Therefore, countries should use this guiding document to find their own strategic and practical approach.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Vaccination contre la fièvre aphteuse et suivi post-vaccination
    Lignes directrices
    La dernière décennie a été une période très prometteuse dans le domaine de la lutte contre la fièvre aphteuse. Le développement de l’approche progressive de la lutte contre la fièvre aphteuse (PCP FA) permet de fournir une méthodeinédite basée sur des paliers de gestion du risque, permettant d’optimiser le rapport coût-efficacité du contrôle de la maladie. Cette approche figure désormais au cœur de la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie mondiale FAO/OIE de lutte contre la fièvre aphteuse, adoptée en 2012. Les coûts inhérents à la vaccination, qui compte parmi les principaux moyens de lutte contre cette maladie dévastatrice, représentent 90 pour cent des dépenses totales engagées dans les efforts de lutte. Aussi est-il essentiel de prévoir et de réaliser l’évaluation des vaccins et l’efficacité de la vaccination afin de convaincre les décideurs de continuer à appliquer des mesures de lutte rigoureuses. Les présentes lignes directrices fournissent des conseils d’experts sur la marche à suivre pour garantir la réussite des programmes de vaccination. Elles ont été élaborées dans le but d’orienter et d’évaluer les programmes nationaux ou infranationaux de vaccination à différentes étapes du PCP FA, et se révéleront tout aussi utiles pour les pays qui souhaitent rétablir leur statut de pays indemne de fièvre aphteuse à la suite d’une nouvelle incursion du virus sur leur territoire, conformément aux normes énoncées dans le Code sanitaire pour les animaux terrestres de l’OIE.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Veterinary vaccines: principles and applications 2022
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    Provides a concise and authoritative reference on the use of vaccines against diseases of livestock. Compiled by Senior Animal Health Officers at The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and with contributions from international leading experts, Veterinary Vaccines: Principles and Applications is a concise and authoritative reference featuring easily readable reviews of the latest research in vaccinology and vaccine immune response to pathogens of major economic impact to livestock. It covers advice and recommendations for vaccine production, quality control, and effective vaccination schemes including vaccine selection, specifications, vaccination programs, vaccine handling in the field, application, failures, and assessment of herd protection. In addition, the book presents discussions on the current status and potential future developments of vaccines and vaccination against selected transboundary animal diseases.
    • Provides a clear and comprehensive guide on using veterinary vaccines to protect livestock from diseases
    • Teaches the principles of vaccinology and vaccine immune response
    • Highlights the vaccine production schemes and standards for quality control testing
    • Offers easy-to-read reviews of the most current research on the subject
    • Gives readers advice and recommendations on which vaccination schemes are most effective
    • Discusses the today’s state of vaccines and vaccination against selected transboundary animal diseases as well as possible future developments in the field
    Veterinary Vaccines: Principles and Applications is an important resource for veterinary practitioners, animal health department officials, vaccine scientists, and veterinary students. It will also be of interest to professional associations and NGO active in livestock industry.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Oral vaccination of dogs against rabies
    Recommendations for field application and integration into dog rabies control programmes
    Also available in:
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    This technical report replaces or supersedes issue-related contents in previous WHO foundational documents on oral rabies vaccination (ORV) of dogs. In contrast to the 2007 WHO recommendations, this report will shift focus from the development of suitable vaccines and baits for dogs towards providing guidance for practical implementation of ORV as a tool integrated into national strategies to control rabies in dog populations. This report therefore mainly addresses basic regulatory considerations for licensing and selection of appropriate oral vaccine candidates, logistics, distribution strategies in the field, communication, activities to be implemented in relation to ORV campaigns, and monitoring of campaigns. It should be emphasized that it is impossible to establish a universally valid and applicable blueprint for the integration of ORV into national strategies for the control of canine rabies. This is not least due to country-specific circumstances, including sociocultural aspects, epidemiological situations, local dog population structures, funding, and available resources. Therefore, countries should use this guiding document to find their own strategic and practical approach.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Vaccination contre la fièvre aphteuse et suivi post-vaccination
    Lignes directrices
    La dernière décennie a été une période très prometteuse dans le domaine de la lutte contre la fièvre aphteuse. Le développement de l’approche progressive de la lutte contre la fièvre aphteuse (PCP FA) permet de fournir une méthodeinédite basée sur des paliers de gestion du risque, permettant d’optimiser le rapport coût-efficacité du contrôle de la maladie. Cette approche figure désormais au cœur de la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie mondiale FAO/OIE de lutte contre la fièvre aphteuse, adoptée en 2012. Les coûts inhérents à la vaccination, qui compte parmi les principaux moyens de lutte contre cette maladie dévastatrice, représentent 90 pour cent des dépenses totales engagées dans les efforts de lutte. Aussi est-il essentiel de prévoir et de réaliser l’évaluation des vaccins et l’efficacité de la vaccination afin de convaincre les décideurs de continuer à appliquer des mesures de lutte rigoureuses. Les présentes lignes directrices fournissent des conseils d’experts sur la marche à suivre pour garantir la réussite des programmes de vaccination. Elles ont été élaborées dans le but d’orienter et d’évaluer les programmes nationaux ou infranationaux de vaccination à différentes étapes du PCP FA, et se révéleront tout aussi utiles pour les pays qui souhaitent rétablir leur statut de pays indemne de fièvre aphteuse à la suite d’une nouvelle incursion du virus sur leur territoire, conformément aux normes énoncées dans le Code sanitaire pour les animaux terrestres de l’OIE.

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