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Crop Prospects and Food Situation - No. 2 June 2011

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    Crop Prospects and Food Situation - No. 2 June 2012 2012
    The outlook for world cereal production in 2012 improved further in recent weeks largely on expectation of a much bigger maize crop in the United States. World cereal production is now forecast to increase by 3.2 percent to a new record. At 2 419 million tonnes, global cereal production would exceed the anticipated utilization in 2012/13 and lead to a significant replenishment of world stocks, which could keep international prices under downward pressure. Wheat and coarse grains prices ea sed in May, mostly during the second half, driven by good supply prospects. Rice prices were supported by a temporary surge in import demand and large Government purchases in Thailand, the number one exporter of the commodity. Aggregate cereal imports of the 66 LIFDCs for 2012/13 are forecast to decrease slightly, mainly due to the generally favourable prospects for the 2012 domestic harvests. countries. In North Africa, early forecasts point to a sharp decline in cereal production in Morocco as a result of erratic and insufficient rains, while in the remaining countries of the subregion above-average harvests are expected...
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    Crop Prospects and Food Situation - No. 3, October 2011 2011
    Prospects for global cereal production in 2011 have improved since September, following better expectations for rice and wheat. At the expected record level of 2 310 million tonnes, world cereal production would be 3 percent, or 68 million tonnes, above the reduced 2010 level. n In September, international prices of all cereals with the exception of rice fell sharply, triggered by global economic slowdown and the strengthening of the US dollar as well as large export supplies from th e Black Sea region. The expected slower recovery in the world economy will bring more uncertainty to the food security situation...
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    Crop Prospects and Food Situation - No. 4, December 2011 2011
    As the year draws to a close, FAO’s latest estimate confirms a record high global cereal production in 2011, which should be sufficient to cover the expected increase in utilization in 2011/12 and also allow a moderate replenishment of world reserves. n International grain prices remained mostly under downward pressure in November, reflecting the confirmation of a strong recovery in production amid deteriorating world economic prospects and a stronger US dollar. n Based on the estimated increase in import requirements, the cereal import bill of LIFDCs for 2011/12 marketing season is forecast by FAO at a record level...

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