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A cluster analysis of variables essential for climate change adaptation of smallholder dairy farmers of Nandi County, Kenya

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    Sacred Kaya forests: Role in enhancing food security, climate change adaptation and biodiversity conservation among the Mijikenda community in Kenya
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Sacred Kaya forests, located in Kenya’s coastal plains and hills, are sacred forests of the Mijikenda ethnic community. These forests have been preserved since the 16th century as sacred places where prayers, rituals and sacrifices take place, and their integrity and sanctity have been safeguarded by a council of Kaya elders who employ a system of taboos and traditional rules to protect the forests. Kaya forests provide vital ecosystem services such as biomass energy, food, air and water purification, pollination, seed dispersal, climate modification and soil stabilization which support local livelihoods. Despite their importance, rapid population growth, infrastructural development, cultural erosion and overdependence on natural resources by local communities are causing extensive degradation of Kaya forests with negative implications on biodiversity conservation and local livelihoods. A study was conducted to assess the role of Kaya forests in enhancing food security, community adaptation to climate change and biodiversity conservation among the Mijikenda community. Household questionnaires, focus group discussions, community meetings and transect walks were used to collect data amongst communities living adjacent to Rabai Kaya landscape in Kenya. The study revealed that Kaya forests are biodiversity hotspots. The diverse flora and fauna of the Kaya forests are sources of genetic resources for food, forestry and agriculture, and mitigate the loss of variability of plant genetic resources for food security and adaptation to climate change. The study recommends protection of traditional knowledge and strengthening of traditional governance systems such as the Kaya council of elders which underpin the conservation of Kaya forests for enhanced conservation and socio-economic benefits. Key words: Kaya forests, biodiversity, food security, adaptation and Mijikenda ID: 3486805
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    Local experiences and coping mechanisms for climate change among smallholder upland farmers in Barobbob Watershed, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    This case study analyzed the local experiences and coping mechanisms among smallholder upland farmers within the Barobbob Watershed in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines, amidst the impacts of climate change. In-depth key informant interviews and secondary data collection were administered to 30 smallholder upland farmers from three communities (Barangay Ipil-Cuneg, Magsaysay, and Masoc) within the watershed. Results showed that smallholder upland farmers in Barobbob Watershed are implementing various strategies to cope with local climate change variability. These coping mechanisms included establishing diversion canals and rain-based sprinklers, continuing farm experiments with fertilizers and watering devices, and contour farming. They also used shorter-cycle and drought-resistant crops instead of cultivating rice, especially during the drought season. However, smallholder upland farmers’ ability to cope is affected by inadequate technical and financial support from the local government. Thus, local interventions and strategies could be extended to enhance further chances of successful climate change adaptation, particularly in agricultural activities. Keywords: agriculture; innovations; strategies; weather variability ID: 3479600
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    Creating biodiversity safeguards for nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    There have been many trials and pilot experiments to mainstream biodiversity into the climate change regime through initiatives like REDD+ and Ecosystem based approaches. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are being viewed as yet another opportunity to synergize climate and biodiversity actions. However, NbS is being promoted more as a climate solution than a biodiversity solution, while the word “nature” makes it seem like it may be good also for biodiversity. Past experiences show that not all forest-based projects conserved biodiversity, while some turned out to be harmful due to their “mitigation-centric” approach. Carbon sequestration by ecosystems is just a part of the overall services it provides, which include a range of provisioning, supporting, regulating and cultural services. All these are not accounted for when we focus on mitigation. This has led to a fear among the conservation community whether these solutions actually focus on biodiversity or just climate. It is important that NbS considers the overall value of nature beyond its carbon sink capability. Therefore, the socio-ecological systems mechanism needs to be well studied, both through the biodiversity and climate lens, to keep proper safety nets for biodiversity and dependent communities. In this background, this paper discusses: (i) trade-offs associated with former forest-based mechanisms under the climate regime; (ii) path shown by different organizations and researchers for the implementation of NbS; and (iii) ways to introduce biodiversity safeguards for NbS, considering social-ecological interactions. NbS is seen as a broad-spectrum solution and must advocate biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. NbS is taking an important position in both CBD and UNFCCC negotiations and future COPs will be instrumental in deciding the guidelines for NbS. This paper will add to the ongoing debate using also the available literature on NbS since its inception. Keywords: Climate change, Biodiversity conservation, Deforestation and forest degradation, Landscape management, Sustainable forest management ID: 3486767

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