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DocumentBackground material and guidelines for the chartering of industrial fishing vessels in Cape Verde 1995
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No results found.International charter contracts have been executed in the past in West Africa. A number of these did not achieve their goals and were not therefore satisfactory. In order that this should not be repeated and good use be made of the experience accrued, the Government of Cape Verde has requested the project GCP/RAF/302/EEC "Improvement of the legal framework for fisheries cooperation, management and development of coastal states of West Africa" to make a review of the fisheries of Cape Verde and l ay down policy guidelines that could be easily followed by Cape Verdean companies wishing to charter fishing vessels. This report lays out the various options available to the Government for the development of their industrial fisheries. In particular it studies charter arrangements and identifies required information prior to the signing of a charter contract by both parties. Many notes and recommendations have been made to ensure that the operation of the vessels should be smooth and efficient . Examples of letters and contracts have been included in Annexes to this report to enable the Cape Verdeans to prepare their own specific and suitable contract to fit each individual situation.
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