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Better life: Gender equality and women’s empowerment at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

2022–2023 highlights

FAO. 2024. Better life: Gender equality and women’s empowerment at the Food and AgricultureOrganization of the United Nations – 2022–2023 highlights. Rome. 

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Gender equality and women's empowerment in food and agriculture - Kenya
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    FAO's Flexible Voluntary Contribution (FVC) is seeking to enhance rural women’s social and economic empowerment and strengthen their leadership roles in rural development, decision-making and resilience building while contributing to the eradication of hunger and extreme poverty. This initiative adopts holistic, integrated and transformative approaches to tackle deep-rooted causes of gender inequalities. It engages both women and men in sensitization, capacity development, dialogue, analysis, and action over gender equality, collective action, local issues and farm business for a better life.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Women’s empowerment and gender equality in agrifood value chains in SIDS 2023
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    Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are among the most vulnerable countries impacted by food insecurity and malnutrition. Their reliance on remote markets for their food supplies threatens their economies and health. Due to climate change, SIDS are increasingly under pressure and facing challenges which undermine their capacities to produce safe and high-quality food at a reasonable price. An essential part of the solution to improve nutrition and respond to the climate crises is the transformation of agrifood systems in SIDS. As food producers, processors and traders, women and girls in SIDS are central to poverty eradication, climate-change-resilience and national economic growth. Yet, they face massive constraints in their access to assets, resources, leadership and decision-making due to deep-rooted gender inequalities. They often work in the less profitable activities in the agrifood value chain and in small-scale businesses, with limited capital and opportunities for digital innovation and growth, especially in the present context of economic downturns.
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    Achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment in agriculture and food systems - A handbook for gender focal points 2021
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    Gender focal points are part of the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAOs) institutional architecture for gender, and play a key role in supporting the delivery of gender-related work.This handbook is intended to support the gender focal points, at FAO headquarters and in the decentralized offices, in addressing gender issues in their work. More specifically, the purpose of the handbook is to serve as a comprehensive and practical reference tool for gender focal points to support their respective divisions and offices in complying with the requirements set by the corporate Policy on Gender Equality. It can also serve as a valuable resource for all FAO employees who are interested in advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment, and to better understand the frameworks and institutional mechanisms that guide and sustain FAO’s work on gender.

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