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Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020

Key findings

FAO. 2020. Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020 – Key findings. Rome. 

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020
    Main report
    FAO completed its first assessment of the world’s forest resources in 1948. At that time, its major objective was to collect information on available timber supply to satisfy post-war reconstruction demand. Since then, the Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) has evolved into a comprehensive evaluation of forest resources and their condition, management and uses, covering all the thematic elements of sustainable forest management. This, the latest of these assessments, examines the status of, and trends in, forest resources over the period 1990–2020, drawing on the efforts of hundreds of experts worldwide. The production of FRA 2020 also involved collaboration among many partner organizations, thereby reducing the reporting burden on countries, increasing synergies among reporting processes, and improving data consistency. The results of FRA 2020 are available in several formats, including this report and an online database containing the original inputs of countries and territories as well as desk studies and regional and global analyses prepared by FAO. I invite you to use these materials to support our common journey towards a more sustainable future with forests.
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    Global Forest Resources Assessment - FRA 2020 - Terms and Definitions
    Working Paper No. 188
    FAO has been coordinating global forest resources assessments every five to ten years since 1946. The assessments have to a great extent contributed to the improvement of concepts, definitions and methods related to forest resources assessments. Strong efforts have been made to harmonize and streamline reporting with other international forest-related processes e.g. within the framework of the Collaborative Partnership on Forest (CPF), as well as with the partner organizations of the Collaborative Forest Resources Questionnaire (CFRQ) and the scientific community, all in order to harmonize and improve forest related definitions and reduce reporting burden on countries. The core definitions build on earlier global assessments to ensure comparability over time. Whenever new definitions are introduced or old definitions modified this is done taking into consideration recommendations from experts in various fora.
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    Global Forest Resources Assessment - FRA 2020 - Guidelines and specifications Version 1.0
    Working Paper No. 189
    Ever since its foundation, FAO has regularly collected, analysed, interpreted and disseminated information on the status and trends of the world’s forests resources through the Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA). The scope, the methodology and the periodicity of the assessments have evolved over time to respond to changing information needs, to increase the level of participation of the countries, as well as to streamline and harmonize definitions and reporting in collaboration with other organizations and international reporting processes. Since FRA 2000, assessments have been conducted every five years. The work of preparation for FRA 2020 initiated with an internal evaluation of the FRA 2015 reporting process, followed by a user survey. The results of the internal evaluation and the feedbacks of a number of national correspondents and other FRA users that participated to the FRA 2015 survey, have helped the FRA secretariat to shape the scope and the reporting content of FRA 2020. These were then further defined in consultation with other teams of the FAO Forestry Department, the FRA Advisory Group, the Collaborative Forest Resources Questionnaire (CFRQ1) and the FAO/UNECE Team of Specialists on Sustainable Forest Management.

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