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Water productivity baseline assessment in Jordan

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Water Productivity Baseline Survey - Main Findings from Palestine 2022
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    Water scarcity is a major challenge in many countries, and in Palestine in particular, thereby threatening agricultural production, food security, and the livelihood of rural communities. With the multiplying effect of climate change, it is anticipated that the problem of water shortage in Palestine will increase in the future, especially because of the increasing demand for water resources and the lack of sovereignty on natural resources. During the seventies to nineties of the last century, the agricultural sector was the main user of freshwater resources and the contribution of this sector to GDP was around 30 percent. Unfortunately, it dropped to around 7.36 percent in 2018, due to the several political, technical and financial obstacles. Against this backdrop, Palestine needs to focus on increasing agricultural production with progressive less water availability, i.e., increasing Water Productivity. This flyer summarizes the background, mthodology, results and key recommendations of the water Productivity baseline study and farmer survey assessment done in Palestine under the Water Efficiency, Productivity and Sustainability regional project.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Improving water productivity in the field with farmers: Farmers Field Schools on water in Jordan 2022
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    The North Jordan Valley (NJV) is located in the northwest of Jordan and it has a subtropical climate with warm winters and hot summers, with a mean annual rainfall of about 350 mm. The warm climate made the area an important agricultural area that mainly produces citrus. Vegetables (e.g., hot peppers, eggplants, okra and others) and other fruit trees (e.g., banana, grapes and date palm) are cultivated in the area as well. Water deficiency is evident in this area and the Jordan Valley Authority (JVA) adopted reduced water allocations (quotas) for farmers in NJV. For the local community in NJV, agriculture is the main employment sector and the main source of income. In addition to scarce water, the major challenges faced by farmers are the high prices of agricultural inputs and low yield prices. Producing more benefits with less water (increased water productivity) is one of the most strategic response to such challenges. Benefits can be either biophysical (yield, expressed in mass unit – kg), economical (returns, expressed in monetary terms – $) or even social when considering job created or dietary value. The analysis of local crop production showed that there is a significant gap between the actual yields and the attainable yields. the reader will know more about FAO's farmer field schools (FFS), its methodology and implementation. in addition to Farming practices implemented through FFSs including the objective of the FFS for each practice, the method applied by the FFS in the demonstration field and the method applied by traditional farmers.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    An assessment of policies, institutions and regulations for water harvesting, solar energy, and groundwater in Jordan
    A review and gap analysis
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    This report constitutes part of the project GCP/JOR/018/SWI: “Reduce vulnerability in Jordan in the context of water scarcity and increasing food/energy demand” project, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Corporation (SDC). The objective of this report is to address project output 4: “Prepared appropriate long-term policy, regulatory and institutional frameworks to facilitate the adoption and scale-up of the three-pronged approach and integrate it within national food-water-energy related policies/ strategies and programmes”, activity 1: “Review and evaluate previous strategies related to individual components of three-pronged approach in the region”. The report constitutes a review of the key institutional actors, regulatory frameworks and policies in the water harvesting, solar energy and ground water sectors, and an analysis of the corresponding policy and institutional gaps.

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