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The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets (SOCO) 2015-16 In Brief

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    Book (stand-alone)
    The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2015–16 (SOCO)
    Trade and food security: achieving a better balance between national priorities and the collective good
    Global trade in agricultural and food products has grown rapidly in recent decades, with countries becoming more engaged in this trade, whether as exporters or importers. This trend is expected to continue over the coming decades. As a consequence, trade will play an increasingly important role in influencing the extent and nature of food security across all regions of the globe. The challenge has therefore become one of ensuring that the expansion of agricultural trade works for, and not agains t, the elimination of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. This edition of The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets aims to reduce the current polarization of views on the impacts of agricultural trade on food security and on the manner in which agricultural trade should be governed to ensure that increased trade openness is beneficial to all countries. By providing evidence and clarity on a range of topics, the report seeks to contribute to a more informed debate on policy choices and t o identify required improvements in the policy processes within which these choices are made. Purchase a print copy.
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    Book (series)
    Fourth Ministerial Meeting on Commodity Markets and Prices 2017
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    Ministers of Agriculture and Ministers of Trade met on 3 October 2016 at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome to debate and exchange views on policies and strategies within the context of ‘Long-term Commodity Price Trends and Sustainable Agricultural Development’. This report presents the topics of discusson of the Ministerial Meeting.
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    In Brief: The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2018
    Agricultural trade, climate change and food security
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    The 2018 edition of The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets aims to deepen the discussion on the broad spectrum of policy instruments available to policy-makers implementing the Paris Agreement. It examines how various forms of domestic support and trade measures relate to climate change adaptation and mitigation; how they might be used in the future; and, how World Trade Organization (WTO) rules shape policy choices. The report explores policy options that lie on the juncture of: the Paris Agreement, a framework that allows f lexibility in setting targets and choosing interventions; and the WTO agreements, which are based on specific rules aimed at minimizing production and trade distortions. As such, it discusses how best to strengthen the mutually supportive role of these multilateral accords.

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