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粮农组织消除 农业领域童工 现象框架

​粮农组织 2021。《粮农组织消除 农业领域童工 现象框架》。罗马。

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    Book (series)
    《关于预防、制止和消除非法、不报关、不管制捕鱼的港口国措施协定》缔约方设立的第六部分工作组第三次会议报告. 2019年6月7日,智利圣地亚哥 2021
    本文件载有《关于预防、制止和消除非法、不报告、不管制捕鱼的港口国措施协定》(《港口国措施协定》)缔约方设立的第六部分工作组第三次会议(2019年6月7日,智利圣地亚哥)报告。第六部分工作组讨论了《港口国措施协定》第六部分规定之供资机制的《职权范围》,并就将其用于支持各国和各区域实施《港口国措施协定》提出具体建议。该《职权范围》已由《港口国措施协定》缔约方第二次会议通过。第六部分工作组选举挪威Bjarne Garden先生和印度尼西亚Desri Yanti女士作为缔约方正式代表和联合国粮农组织秘书处一道审查第六部分援助基金项下援助申请,并就此提出建议。第六部分工作组欢迎联合国粮农组织正在开发的打击非法、不报告、不管制捕鱼全球能力发展门户网站的设计和内容方案,并鼓励联合国粮农组织继续相关开发工作。
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    预防、阻止和消除非法、不报告、不管制捕捞的港口国措施协定 2016
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    Book (series)
    Implementation of the International Plan of Action to deter, prevent and eliminate, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (chinese version) 2007
    These guidelines have been produced to support implementation of the International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IPOA-IUU). They are addressed to decision-makers and policy-makers associated with the management of fisheries, but they should also be of interest to fishing industries and other parties. The IPOA-IUU is consistent with the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, as well as with the 1993 Agreement to Promote Complia nce with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas, the 1995 Agreement for the Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks and other applicable rules of international law. The guidelines are intended to provide general advice and a framework for development and implementation of national plans of action.

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